MCQ Chapter 7 History Class 6 Maharashtra Board India during the Maurya Period 1. What was the southern regional capital of the Maurya Empire?ToshaliUjjayaniSuvarnagiriTakshashilaQuestion 1 of 202. Which Mauryan Emperor built the Sudarshan dam?AshokaChandragupta MauryaBindusaraDhananandaQuestion 2 of 203. What kind of script did Ashoka’s inscriptions use?KharosthiBrahmiSanskritGreekQuestion 3 of 204. Which region did Ashoka conquer after a brutal war?GandharaMagadhaKalingaSaurashtraQuestion 4 of 205. What major policy did Ashoka adopt after the Kalinga War?Military expansionReligious toleranceNon-violence and peaceTrade expansionQuestion 5 of 206. What was the title used by Ashoka in his inscriptions?ChakravartiDevanampiyo PiyadasiRajarajaMaharajadhirajaQuestion 6 of 207. What was the purpose of Ashoka’s pillar edicts?To declare warTo provide laws and moral guidanceTo promote tradeTo introduce new taxesQuestion 7 of 208. Which animals were engraved on Ashoka’s pillars?Lion, elephant, bullHorse, peacock, tigerDeer, monkey, rabbitCow, crocodile, birdQuestion 8 of 209. What restrictions did Ashoka impose on hunting?Ban on hunting of all animalsBan on hunting of certain animalsNo restrictions on huntingBan on hunting only in royal forestsQuestion 9 of 2010. Where did Ashoka send Buddhist monks for spreading Buddhism?West Asia and Central AsiaSouth America and EuropeAfrica and AustraliaChina and RussiaQuestion 10 of 2011. What was the official capital of the Maurya Empire?UjjainMagadhaPataliputraTakshashilaQuestion 11 of 2012. Which Mauryan emperor sent his son and daughter to Sri Lanka?BindusaraChandragupta MauryaAshokaDhananandaQuestion 12 of 2013. What was the primary occupation of people during the Maurya period?FishingAgricultureMiningIron smeltingQuestion 13 of 2014. Which material was commonly used in pottery during the Maurya period?Red clayBlack-glazed potteryPorcelainBronzeQuestion 14 of 2015. What type of games were popular during the Maurya period?Football and hockeyWrestling, chariot races, and board gamesPolo and chessBoxing and tennisQuestion 15 of 2016. What was chess called during the Maurya period?ShatranjAshtapadChauparPachisiQuestion 16 of 2017. What was the name of the playwright who wrote ‘Mudrarakshasa’?VishakhadattaKalidasaAryabhataMegasthenesQuestion 17 of 2018. What is the official seal of the Government of India based on?Ashoka’s edictsAshoka’s pillar at SarnathMauryan coinsA sculpture from GandharaQuestion 18 of 2019. Which animal is present in Ashoka’s pillar but not visible in the national emblem?ElephantHorseLionBullQuestion 19 of 2020. Where are the Barabar Hill caves located?OdishaBiharMadhya PradeshGujaratQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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