MCQ Chapter 7 History Class 6 Maharashtra Board India during the Maurya Period 1. Who established a vast empire in Iran in the 6th century BCE?DaryushCyrusAlexanderChandragupta MauryaQuestion 1 of 202. What was the capital city built during the reign of Emperor Daryush?TakshashilaPataliputraPersepolisUjjayaniQuestion 2 of 203. Which Greek Emperor invaded India in 326 BCE?Seleucus NicatorDaryushAlexanderMegasthenesQuestion 3 of 204. What was the name of the officers Alexander appointed to administer conquered territories?RajansSatrapsViceroysMinistersQuestion 4 of 205. Where did Alexander die in 323 BCE?PersiaGreeceBabylonPataliputraQuestion 5 of 206. What type of art emerged due to Greek influence in India?Mathura school of artGandhara school of artAjanta cave paintingsRock-cut architectureQuestion 6 of 207. What was depicted on one side of Greek coins?An Indian deityAn image of BuddhaThe king who minted the coinAn image of a Mauryan emperorQuestion 7 of 208. Who founded the Maurya Empire?AshokaBindusaraChandragupta MauryaDhananandaQuestion 8 of 209. Which Nanda ruler was defeated by Chandragupta Maurya?Mahapadma NandaDhananandaSeleucus NicatorAshokaQuestion 9 of 2010. Who was the ambassador of Seleucus Nicator at Chandragupta Maurya’s court?MegasthenesFa-HienXuanzangAryabhattaQuestion 10 of 2011. What book did Megasthenes write?ArthashastraIndicaMudrarakshasaRajataranginiQuestion 11 of 2012. Where did Chandragupta Maurya spend his last years?TakshashilaMagadhaShravanabelagolaUjjainQuestion 12 of 2013. Who succeeded Chandragupta Maurya?AshokaBindusaraBimbisaraSeleucus NicatorQuestion 13 of 2014. Who was the Governor of Takshashila before becoming Emperor?Seleucus NicatorBindusaraAshokaChandragupta MauryaQuestion 14 of 2015. Which war changed Ashoka’s life?Battle of TakshashilaKalinga WarBattle of PanipatMaurya-Nanda WarQuestion 15 of 2016. What script were Ashoka’s inscriptions written in?DevanagariPaliBrahmiSanskritQuestion 16 of 2017. What name was used for Ashoka in his inscriptions?Devanampiyo PiyadasiChakravartiRajadhirajaMagadhadhipatiQuestion 17 of 2018. Where did Ashoka convene the Third Buddhist Council?UjjainPataliputraLumbiniTakshashilaQuestion 18 of 2019. Who did Ashoka send to Sri Lanka to spread Buddhism?KautilyaMegasthenesMahendra and SanghamitraVishakhadattaQuestion 19 of 2020. What was the capital of the Maurya Empire?TakshashilaMagadhaPataliputraUjjainQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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