MCQ Chapter 6 History Class 6 Maharashtra Board Janapadas and Mahajanapadas 1. Which system did the Nanda kings introduce?Currency SystemStandard weights and measuresCaste SystemMilitary DraftQuestion 1 of 202. How many columns did the Nanda army have?TwoThreeFourFiveQuestion 2 of 203. Which kingdom was annexed to Magadha by Shishunag?KuruAvantiKambojGandharaQuestion 3 of 204. How many Mahajanapadas are mentioned in the chapter?10121416Question 4 of 205. Which Mahajanapada was located in today’s Uttar Pradesh and Nepal region?VatsaKosalaAngaAvantiQuestion 5 of 206. Which city was the capital of Magadha?ShravastiKaushambiRajgrihaUjjainQuestion 6 of 207. What was the ancient name of Benaras?KashiKosalaKuruGandharaQuestion 7 of 208. Which Mahajanapada was located in the Peshawar region?AngaGandharaVatsaKuruQuestion 8 of 209. Which Mahajanapada was known for the city of Champa?KashiAngaKosalaMagadhaQuestion 9 of 2010. In which Mahajanapada was the city of Ujjain located?AvantiMagadhaVatsaKosalaQuestion 10 of 2011. Who was a notable physician in Bimbisara’s court?CharakaSushrutaJeevakaPatanjaliQuestion 11 of 2012. Which Mahajanapada was associated with today’s Delhi region?KuruAngaMatsyaKosalaQuestion 12 of 2013. Which Mahajanapada was located near Gandhara?KambojKashiVatsaAngaQuestion 13 of 2014. Which was the main city of the Matsya Mahajanapada?UjjainJaipurKaushambiRajgrihaQuestion 14 of 2015. Which Mahajanapada was located in the North Bihar region?MagadhaVrijjiAngaVatsaQuestion 15 of 2016. Which Mahajanapada had its capital at Mathura?ShurasenKosalaKashiMagadhaQuestion 16 of 2017. Which Mahajanapada occupied parts of today’s Aurangabad, Maharashtra?AshmakKashiAngaVatsaQuestion 17 of 2018. Which kingdom's trade center was Ujjain?AvantiKashiVatsaMagadhaQuestion 18 of 2019. Who was the contemporary of both Gautama Buddha and Vardhaman Mahavir in Avanti?PradyotBimbisaraAjatshatruDhananandQuestion 19 of 2020. Which Mahajanapada was known for the region of Kanpur?ChediKashiVatsaKosalaQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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