MCQ Chapter 4 History Class 6 Maharashtra Board The Vedic Civilization 1. Which Veda is considered the first text in Vedic literature?YajurvedaSamavedaRigvedaAtharvavedaQuestion 1 of 202. What does the term 'Veda' mean?KnowledgePowerWisdomReligionQuestion 2 of 203. How many Vedas are there in Vedic literature?TwoThreeFourFiveQuestion 3 of 204. Which Veda is associated with mantras used in yajna rituals?RigvedaYajurvedaSamavedaAtharvavedaQuestion 4 of 205. What is a 'richa' in the context of the Rigveda?A mantraA deityA verseA hymn bookQuestion 5 of 206. Which Veda contributed significantly to Indian music?RigvedaYajurvedaSamavedaAtharvavedaQuestion 6 of 207. Who is Atharvaveda named after?A sageA deityA kingA priestQuestion 7 of 208. Which of the following texts were composed to guide yajna rituals?UpanishadsBrahmana textsAranyakasPuranasQuestion 8 of 209. What does 'Upanishad' imply?A hymnKnowledge acquired at the feet of a teacherA ritualA deity's nameQuestion 9 of 2010. How was Vedic literature preserved traditionally?Written manuscriptsStone carvingsOral traditionCopper platesQuestion 10 of 2011. Which of these was a common type of house during the Vedic period?Brick housesStone housesEarthen or wattle and daub constructionsWooden mansionsQuestion 11 of 2012. What was the main diet of Vedic people?Meat onlyFruits and vegetables onlyCereals like wheat, barley, and riceFish and seafoodQuestion 12 of 2013. What was the term for the head of a family in the Vedic period?VishpatiGramaniGrihapatiShreshthiQuestion 13 of 2014. What does the term 'Nishka' refer to in Vedic literature?A type of foodA currency and ornamentA musical instrumentA deityQuestion 14 of 2015. Which stage of life involved renouncing all relations and living a simple life?BrahmacharyashramaGrihasthashramaVanaprasthashramaSanyasashramaQuestion 15 of 2016. What was the primary occupation during the Vedic period?TradeFishingAgricultureMiningQuestion 16 of 2017. Which animal was used as a means of exchange in the Vedic period?HorseCowDogElephantQuestion 17 of 2018. What was the role of 'Bhagdugh' in the Vedic administration?Military leaderTax collectorPriestMusicianQuestion 18 of 2019. Which of the following was a significant part of Vedic entertainment?DramaMusic and dancePaintingWrestlingQuestion 19 of 2020. What was the function of the 'Samiti' in the Vedic period?Religious bodyGeneral assembly of peopleArmy unitJudicial bodyQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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