MCQ Chapter 10 History Class 6 Maharashtra Board Ancient India : Cultural 1. Which city was home to Takshashila University? Patna Varanasi Gujarat Pakistan (modern-day)Question 1 of 202. Which ancient university had an entrance exam? Nalanda Vikramshila Valabhi KanchiQuestion 2 of 203. Who established Vikramshila University? Harshavardhan Dharmapal Ashoka ChandraguptaQuestion 3 of 204. Where is the iron pillar of ancient India located? Nalanda Mehrauli Kanchi VaranasiQuestion 4 of 205. What is depicted in the caves of Ajanta? Hindu deities Buddhist paintings Jain temples Astronomy textsQuestion 5 of 206. What was the main occupation of the people in ancient India? Hunting Agriculture Metalworking FishingQuestion 6 of 207. During which period was the concept of stitching clothes introduced in India? Maurya period Gupta period Kushana period Pallava periodQuestion 7 of 208. Which of the following was NOT a famous ancient Indian university? Nalanda Takshashila Oxford VikramshilaQuestion 8 of 209. What were trade organizations in ancient India called? Sanghas Shrenis Mahaviharas ViharasQuestion 9 of 2010. Which ancient Indian text describes espionage techniques? Arthashastra Ashtadhyayi Raghuvansha PanchatantraQuestion 10 of 2011. Which ancient scientist first stated that the Earth revolves around the Sun? Aryabhata Varahamihira Brahmagupta NagarjunaQuestion 11 of 2012. What does ‘Therigatha’ contain? Stories of traders Experiences of learned women Rules for rulers Ayurvedic treatmentsQuestion 12 of 2013. The ‘Sushruta Samhita’ was translated into which language as ‘Kitaab-e-Susud’? Latin Arabic Greek PersianQuestion 13 of 2014. What was the primary material used in Ashoka’s pillars? Wood Iron Stone BronzeQuestion 14 of 2015. The famous bronze statue of Nataraja belongs to which period? Gupta Pallava Chola MauryaQuestion 15 of 2016. Which university was located in Gujarat? Vikramshila Valabhi Nalanda KanchiQuestion 16 of 2017. What was the subject of ‘Panchasidhantika’? Ayurveda Astronomy Mathematics PoliticsQuestion 17 of 2018. Who wrote ‘Bruhatkatha’? Gunadhya Valmiki Bharavi KautilyaQuestion 18 of 2019. The iron pillar at Mehrauli is famous for what reason? Religious inscriptions Rust-resistant metal Astronomy calculations Stone carvingQuestion 19 of 2020. Which river’s tributaries gave Varanasi its name? Yamuna and Saraswati Ganga and Brahmaputra Varana and Asi Narmada and TapiQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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