MCQ Chapter 1 History Class 6 Maharashtra Board The Indian Subcontinent and History 1. What are the four major pillars of history?Time, Place, Culture, IndividualsTime, Society, Geography, EventsTime, Place, Society, IndividualsTime, Climate, Society, GeographyQuestion 1 of 152. How are history and geography related according to the chapter?They are independent fields.Geography influences history in many ways.History influences geography.They contradict each other.Question 2 of 153. Which of the following was an essential route for ancient trade?The Grand Trunk RoadThe Silk RouteThe Spice RouteThe Amber RoadQuestion 3 of 154. Which mountain ranges created a barrier on the northern side of the Indian subcontinent?Vindhya and SatpudaWestern and Eastern GhatsHindukush and HimalayasAravalli and SahyadriQuestion 4 of 155. What did the people in hilly regions depend on for food according to the chapter?AgricultureTradeHunting and GatheringFishingQuestion 5 of 156. Which river’s dried-up course is mentioned in relation to the Thar Desert?YamunaGhaggarGodavariNarmadaQuestion 6 of 157. Which of the following regions is known for its fertile land in the chapter?Thar DesertDeccan PlateauWestern GhatsAravalli MountainsQuestion 7 of 158. What is the ancient name for the Ghaggar river in Pakistan?IndusHakraSaraswatiSutlejQuestion 8 of 159. Where did the earliest Indian civilization, Harappa, emerge?Deccan PlateauSindhu-Ganga-Brahmaputra regionThar DesertCoastal regionsQuestion 9 of 1510. Which sea lies to the west of India?Arabian SeaBay of BengalIndian OceanRed SeaQuestion 10 of 1511. What was the primary purpose of the Silk Route?Spread of religionExchange of knowledgeTrade, particularly silkMilitary expeditionsQuestion 11 of 1512. Which mountain ranges are located to the north of the Deccan Plateau?HimalayasVindhya and SatpudaAravalliWestern GhatsQuestion 12 of 1513. Which civilization is associated with the now dry course of the Ghaggar river?MesopotamianHarappanEgyptianChineseQuestion 13 of 1514. Which of the following regions is a peninsula according to the chapter?Northern IndiaDeccan PlateauThar DesertHimalayan RegionQuestion 14 of 1515. Which regions were part of ancient India before 1947?Myanmar and Sri LankaPakistan and BangladeshAfghanistan and ChinaNepal and BhutanQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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