The Vedic Civilization
1. Name the following with reference to the lesson.
Answer : (1) Women scholars in Vedic literature: Lopamudra, Gargi, Maitreyi
(2) Means of entertainment in the Vedic period: Singing, dancing, playing musical instruments, board games, chariot races, hunting
(3) The four ashramas: Brahmacharyashrama, Grihasthashrama, Vanaprasthashrama, Sanyasashrama
2. Right or wrong?
Answer : (1) Rigveda – Mantras uttered during yajna. ❌ (Wrong, Yajurveda contains mantras for yajna.)
(2) Samaveda – Guidance on singing a mantra during yajna rites.✅ (Right)
(3) Atharvaveda – The Veda derived its name from Atharva rishi.✅ (Right)
3. Answer in one word each.
Answer : (1) The language of Vedic literature Sanskrit.
(2) The meaning of vid Knowledge.
(3) The head of a family. Grihapati.
(4) The head of shrenis Shreshthi.
4. Name the following :
(1) The musical instruments you know
Answer : Veena, cymbals, conch, mridanga, damru.
(2) Two modern ornaments of women
Answer : Earrings, bangles.
(3) Todays means of entertainment
Answer : Television, mobile games, cinema .
5. Answer in short:
(1) What foods were included in the diet of the Vedic people?
Answer : The Vedic people ate wheat, barley, rice, milk, yogurt, ghee, butter, honey, lentils, sesame, and meat.
(2) Why were cows priced highly?
Answer : Cows were important because they provided milk and were used as a form of exchange. People took great care to protect them.
(3) What was a man expected to do in sanyasashrama?
Answer : In sanyasashrama, a man was expected to give up all relations, live a simple life, and seek spiritual knowledge.
6. Write notes on:
(1) The religious ideas during the Vedic period:
People worshipped natural forces like the sun, wind, and rain as gods. They performed yajnas (rituals) to please them and followed the principle of dharma to maintain balance in nature.
(2) Houses in the Vedic period:
Houses were made of mud and wooden strips coated with clay and cow dung. These houses were called griha or shala.
(3) Political system in the Vedic period:
Villages had a head called gramani. Groups of villages formed a vish led by a vishpati. Many vish together made a jana, ruled by a raja (king). The king collected taxes and managed administration with the help of officials like purohit (priest) and senapati (army chief).
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