Ancient India : Cultural
1. Answer in one sentence.
(1) Make a list of ancient Indian universities.
Answer : The ancient Indian universities were Takshashila, Nalanda, Vikramshila, Valabhi, Varanasi, and Kanchi.
(2) Make a list of the Indian goods that were in demand in foreign countries.
Answer : Indian goods like fine textiles, ivory, precious stones, spices, and earthen pottery were in demand in foreign countries.
2. Name the following.
Epics and poetic compositions of ancient India.
Answer : Ramayana, Mahabharata, Silappadhikaram, Manimekhalai, Raghuvansha, Kumarsambhava, Kiratarjuniya, and Shishupalvadh.
3. Fill in the blanks.
(1) The epic Ramayana was composed by rishi Valmiki.
(2) The science of Indian medicine is called Ayurveda.
(3) Thousands of students could live at the Nalanda university.
4. Answer in brief.
(1) Explain what is meant by ‘Tipitaka’.
Answer : The Tipitaka is a collection of Buddhist teachings written in the Pali language. It consists of three parts: Sutta Pitaka (Buddha’s teachings), Vinay Pitaka (rules for monks and nuns), and Abhidhamma Pitaka (Buddhist philosophy).
(2) What is the message of the Bhagavad Gita?
Answer : The Bhagavad Gita teaches that one should do their duty without expecting rewards and that the path of devotion to God is open to all.
(3) What aspects does Ayurveda take into account?
Answer : Ayurveda focuses on understanding illnesses, their symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
(4) What is meant by Sangham Literature?
Answer : Sangham Literature refers to the ancient Tamil texts created by gatherings of learned scholars. It provides information about the political and social life in South India.
5. Discuss.
Art and architecture of the Maurya and Gupta period.
During the Maurya period, Emperor Ashoka built stone pillars with inscriptions. The Sanchi Stupa is an example of this period.
The Gupta period saw advancements in temple architecture, with cave sculptures in Ajanta and Ellora. Metalwork also flourished, as seen in the iron pillar at Mehrauli.
6. What would you do ?
(1) How would you obtain information about Ayurvedic medicine and use it in your day to day life ?
Answer : I would read books and research online about Ayurveda and use natural remedies like herbal medicines, yoga, and a healthy diet in daily life.
(2) On a trip to a historical site, your friend is writing his name on the structure.
Answer : I would stop my friend and explain that damaging historical sites is wrong and that we should preserve our heritage.
7. Observe the picture of the stupa at Sanchi and obtain more information about it.
Answer : The Sanchi Stupa is one of the oldest stone structures in India, built by Emperor Ashoka. It has a dome-shaped structure and carvings that depict scenes from Buddha’s life.
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