The Indian Subcontinent and History
1. Answer the following in one sentence.
1. What is history?
Answer : History is the study of important events from the past.
2. Where do human settlements flourish?
Answer : Human settlements flourish in places where food, water, and other resources are available.
3. What do the people in the hilly region depend on for their food?
Answer : People in hilly regions depend on hunting, gathering, and farming for their food.
4. Which is the earliest civilization in India?
Answer : The Harappan Civilization is the earliest civilization in India.
2. Answer the following questions in short.
1. What does human life depend on?
Answer : Human life depends on natural resources like land, water, climate, and food.
2. What features of our surroundings form the means of our livelihood?
Answer : Climate, rainfall, land, rivers, and forests help people earn their livelihood.
3. Which region is known as the Indian subcontinent?
Answer : India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka together form the Indian subcontinent.
3. Give reasons.
1. There is a close relation between history and geography.
Answer : Geography affects the way people live, what they eat, and where they settle. Many historical events, such as the rise of civilizations near rivers, are influenced by geography.
2. People are forced to leave their settlements.
Answer : People leave their settlements due to droughts, floods, invasions, and lack of food and water.
4. Explain the difference in human life in hilly regions and on the plains.
Answer : In hilly regions, people have to work harder due to steep slopes and rocky land. Farming is difficult, and they depend more on hunting and gathering. Houses are built to protect from cold weather.
In plains, people have fertile land, so farming is easier. They grow a variety of crops, have better transportation, and build stronger settlements.
5. Observe the physical map of India and answer the questions.
1. Which mountain ranges lie in the north of India?
Answer : The Himalaya and Hindukush mountain ranges lie in the north of India.
2. Which are the routes to India from the northeast?
Answer : The northeastern routes to India are through the Himalayas, like the Silk Route.
3. Where do the Ganga and Brahmaputra meet?
Answer : The Ganga and Brahmaputra meet in Bangladesh.
4. Name the islands to the east of the Indian peninsula.
Answer : The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are to the east of the Indian peninsula.
5. In which part of India do we see the Thar Desert?
Answer : The Thar Desert is located in Rajasthan, in the northwestern part of India.
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