Religious Trends in Ancient India
1. Jainism
- Jainism is an ancient religion of India that teaches non-violence.
- Vardhaman Mahavir was the 24th Tirthankar (spiritual leader).
- He was born in Kundagram, Bihar, and his parents were Siddharth and Trishala.
- He gave up his home to gain knowledge and became enlightened after 12.5 years of penance.
- He was called Jina (Conqueror), and his followers are called Jains.
- His teachings included the Five Great Vows (Pancha Mahavratas):
- Ahimsa (Non-violence): Do not hurt any living being.
- Satya (Truth): Always speak the truth.
- Asteya (Non-stealing): Do not take what belongs to others.
- Aparigraha (Non-attachment): Do not hoard wealth and things.
- Brahmacharya (Chastity): Control desires.
Jainism also teaches Three Jewels (Tri-Ratna):
- Right Faith (Samyak Darshan)
- Right Knowledge (Samyak Jnan)
- Right Conduct (Samyak Charitra)
His main teaching was Anekantavada, meaning truth has many sides.
2. Buddhism
- Gautama Buddha was the founder of Buddhism.
- He was born as Siddharth in Lumbini (Nepal). His parents were Shuddhodana and Mayadevi.
- He left his home to find out why people suffer.
- He attained enlightenment (Bodhi) under a pipal tree at Bodh Gaya, Bihar.
- His first sermon was at Sarnath, near Varanasi.
- His teachings include:
- Four Noble Truths (Aryasatyas):
- There is suffering in life.
- There is a cause of suffering.
- Suffering can end.
- The way to end suffering is the Eightfold Path.
- Eightfold Path:
- Right View
- Right Resolve
- Right Speech
- Right Conduct
- Right Livelihood
- Right Effort
- Right Mindfulness
- Right Concentration
- Panchasheel (Five Rules):
- Do not kill animals.
- Do not steal.
- Do not behave badly.
- Do not lie.
- Do not use intoxicants.
- He rejected caste-based discrimination and gave equal rights to men and women.
- His main teachings included compassion (Karuna) and wisdom (Prajna).
3. Judaism
- Judaism is one of the oldest religions, brought to India by Jewish people.
- They believe in one God and value justice, truth, peace, love, and charity.
- Their prayer house is called a Synagogue.
4. Christianity
- Christianity was founded by Jesus Christ.
- St. Thomas brought Christianity to Kerala in 52 CE.
- Teachings:
- There is one God, and He loves all.
- Jesus Christ is the Son of God, who came for mankind’s salvation.
- Love everyone, including enemies.
- Forgive people who make mistakes.
The holy book of Christianity is the Bible, and the prayer house is called a Church.
5. Islam
- Islam is a monotheistic (believes in one God) religion.
- Allah is the one true God, and Prophet Muhammad is His messenger.
- The holy book of Islam is the Quran Sharif.
- Teachings:
- Allah is eternal, merciful, and powerful.
- People should worship Allah and live a good life.
- Islam came to India in the 7th century CE through Arab traders.
- The prayer house is called a Mosque (Masjid).
6. Zoroastrianism
- Zoroastrianism was founded by Zarathushtra (Zoroaster).
- Their sacred book is the Avesta.
- Ahura Mazda is their God.
- Fire and water are important in their religion.
- Core Teachings:
- Good Thoughts
- Good Words
- Good Deeds
- They came to India from Iran (Persia) and are called Parsees.
- Their temple is called Agyari.
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