The Vedic Civilization
1. Vedic Literature
- The Vedic Civilization is based on Vedic literature.
- The Vedas are the earliest books written in Sanskrit by sages (rishis).
- There are four Vedas:
- Rigveda – The oldest Veda, made of hymns praising gods.
- Yajurveda – Contains mantras for yajnas (sacrifices).
- Samaveda – Teaches how to sing hymns in a rhythm.
- Atharvaveda – Includes daily life matters like medicine and kingdom rules.
Other important books:
- Brahmanas – Guide for performing yajnas.
- Aranyakas – Thoughts from sages meditating in forests.
- Upanishads – Teach about life, death, and knowledge.
2. Family System & Daily Life
- Joint families were common. The father (Grihapati) was the head.
- Women scholars like Lopamudra, Gargi, and Maitreyi were respected.
- People lived in earthen houses called griha or shala.
- Food included wheat, barley, rice, milk, butter, lentils, and meat.
- Clothing was made of cotton, wool, tree bark, and animal skin.
- People wore gold ornaments, bead necklaces, and nishka (pendant used as money).
- Entertainment included music, dance, chariot racing, and board games.
3. Agriculture, Animal Husbandry & Social Life
- Agriculture was the main job. Fields were plowed using oxen and iron plows.
- Cows were highly valued and used as a form of wealth. People protected their cows.
- Horses were important for fast travel and chariots.
- Guilds (shrenis) were groups of artisans and workers. Their leader was called shreshthi.
- Society had four varnas (Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, Shudra).
Four life stages (ashramas):
- Brahmacharya – Student life with a teacher.
- Grihastha – Married life and family duties.
- Vanaprastha – Living a simple life in the forest.
- Sanyasa – Giving up everything for spiritual knowledge.
4. Religious Ideas
- People worshipped natural forces like the Sun, Wind, Rain, and Rivers.
- Yajnas (fire rituals) were performed to please gods.
- Havi (offerings like ghee, grains) were given in the fire.
- Dharma (righteousness) meant following the laws of nature.
5. Political System
- Each village had a head called gramani.
- A group of villages formed a vish, led by a vishpati.
- Many vish made a jana, later called janapad (settled kingdom).
- The king (raja) was the ruler and had duties like collecting taxes and protecting people.
Important officers:
- Purohit – Priest
- Senapati – Army chief
- Bhagdugh – Tax collector
Decision-making bodies:
- Sabha – Group of elders.
- Samiti – General gathering of people.
- Vidath – Meeting where women also participated.
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