India during the Maurya Period
Short Questions
1. Who founded the Maurya Empire?
Answer : Chandragupta Maurya
2. Which Greek emperor invaded India in 326 BCE?
Answer : Alexander
3. What was the capital of the Maurya Empire?
Answer : Pataliputra
4. Who was the ambassador of Seleucus Nicator in India?
Answer : Megasthenes
5. What was the name of Ashoka’s son who went to Sri Lanka?
Answer : Mahendra
6. Which script was used in Ashoka’s inscriptions?
Answer : Brahmi
7. What was the official seal of the Government of India based on?
Answer : Ashoka Pillar at Sarnath
8. What was the name of the book written by Megasthenes?
Answer : Indica
9. Which game was called ‘Ashtapad’ in the Maurya period?
Answer : Chess
10. Which region did Ashoka conquer, leading to his change of heart?
Answer : Kalinga
Long Questions
1. Why did Alexander’s army refuse to continue the invasion in India?
Answer : Alexander’s army faced strong resistance from Indian kings and suffered many hardships. They were tired and wanted to return home, so they rebelled against him, forcing him to turn back.
2. What were the effects of Alexander’s invasion on India?
Answer : Alexander’s invasion increased trade between India and the western world. Greek historians wrote about India, and Greek art influenced Indian sculptures, leading to the Gandhara school of art.
3. What welfare activities did Emperor Ashoka undertake?
Answer : Ashoka built roads, dug wells, and planted trees for travelers. He provided free medicines for people and animals and built dharmashalas for shelter.
4. What were the main occupations of people during the Maurya period?
Answer : People were engaged in agriculture, weaving, dyeing cloth, metalwork, shipbuilding, and ivory carving. Black glazed pottery was also made during this period.
5. How did Ashoka spread Buddhism?
Answer : Ashoka sent his son Mahendra and daughter Sanghamitra to Sri Lanka to spread Buddhism. He also sent Buddhist monks to West and Central Asia and built many stupas and viharas.
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