The Vedic Civilization
Short Questions
1. What is Vedic Civilization based on?
Answer : Vedic literature
2. How many Vedas are there?
Answer : Four
3. Which is the first Veda?
Answer : Rigveda
4. What was the head of a family called?
Answer : Grihapati
5. Which Veda is about yajna mantras?
Answer : Yajurveda
6. Which musical instrument was popular in the Vedic period?
Answer : Veena
7. What was used as a currency in the Vedic period?
Answer : Nishka
8. What was the head of a guild called?
Answer : Shreshthi
9. What was the main occupation in the Vedic period?
Answer : Agriculture
10. Who was the head of a village?
Answer : Gramani
Long Questions
1. What were the four ashramas in the Vedic period?
Answer : The four ashramas were Brahmacharyashrama (student life), Grihasthashrama (householder life), Vanaprasthashrama (retirement), and Sanyasashrama (renouncing worldly life). These stages guided people on their duties from birth to death.
2. What was the role of a king in the Vedic period?
Answer : The king (nripa or raja) protected the people, collected taxes, and managed administration. He was helped by officials like the purohit (priest) and senapati (army chief). The institutions sabha, samiti, vidath, and jana guided him.
3. Why were cows considered valuable in the Vedic period?
Answer : Cows were used as a means of exchange, making them highly priced. They provided milk, butter, and ghee, which were essential for food and yajnas. People took special care to protect their cows from theft.
4. What was the role of women in the Vedic period?
Answer : In the early Vedic period, women had an important role in society and education. Scholars like Lopamudra, Gargi, and Maitreyi contributed to knowledge. However, over time, restrictions on women increased, and their position became secondary.
5. How did people entertain themselves in the Vedic period?
Answer : People enjoyed singing, playing musical instruments, dancing, board games, chariot racing, and hunting. Instruments like veena, cymbals, damru, and mridanga were commonly used for music and rituals.
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