MCQ Chapter 7 Geography Class 6 Maharashtra Board Rocks and Rock Types 1. Which of these is NOT a characteristic of igneous rocks?HomogeneousFossil-richHeavyHardQuestion 1 of 152. What leads to the formation of metamorphic rocks?Cooling of lavaCompaction of sedimentsHeat and pressureErosionQuestion 2 of 153. What is coal transformed into under high pressure and heat?MarbleDiamondGraphiteQuartzQuestion 3 of 154. Which rock is easy to carve due to its softness?GraniteSandstoneBasaltQuartziteQuestion 4 of 155. Where is granite primarily found in Maharashtra?South KonkanNorthern MaharashtraEastern MaharashtraWestern MaharashtraQuestion 5 of 156. Which rock type is the Taj Mahal built from?GraniteMarbleSandstoneSlateQuestion 6 of 157. What is the primary characteristic of laterite rocks?High silica contentPorous and rich in ironFossil-richNon-porousQuestion 7 of 158. Which of the following is a use of basalt?JewelryConstructionFuelCarving statuesQuestion 8 of 159. Which type of rock is quartzite derived from?GraniteSandstoneLimestoneShaleQuestion 9 of 1510. Fossils provide information about what?MineralsAncient lifeRocksVolcanic eruptionsQuestion 10 of 1511. Which rock type is predominantly found in Central Maharashtra?GraniteBasaltLimestoneLateriteQuestion 11 of 1512. What is the main reason for mining in South Konkan?Gold depositsIron oreRich minerals in laterite rocksBasalt extractionQuestion 12 of 1513. Which rock type is typically non-porous?SandstoneMarbleLimestonePumiceQuestion 13 of 1514. What type of rock is slate derived from?GraniteShaleLimestoneBasaltQuestion 14 of 1515. Which rock is most suitable for constructing fort walls?SandstoneBasaltLimestoneMarbleQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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