MCQ Chapter 6 Geography Class 6 Maharashtra Board Importance of Oceans 1. What percentage of the Earth's water is contained in oceans?70%97.7%50%80%Question 1 of 152. Which ocean has the largest area according to the document?AtlanticIndianPacificSouthernQuestion 2 of 153. What is the primary reason for the salinity of ocean water?Presence of fishVolcanic eruptions and mineral depositsLow evaporation ratesPresence of icebergsQuestion 3 of 154. Which sea is known for having the maximum salinity?Mediterranean SeaArabian SeaRed SeaDead SeaQuestion 4 of 155. What is the average salinity of ocean water?25 o/oo35 o/oo45 o/oo55 o/ooQuestion 5 of 156. What is the main source of salt obtained for human consumption?RiversLakesOceansGroundwaterQuestion 6 of 157. Which factor contributes to the equable climate of coastal areas?High elevationProximity to desertsVapor from oceans absorbing heatPresence of forestsQuestion 7 of 158. Which of the following is a warm ocean current?Gulf StreamCanary CurrentLabrador CurrentPeru CurrentQuestion 8 of 159. What type of forests are found in saline and humid coastal areas?EvergreenDeciduousMangroveConiferousQuestion 9 of 1510. What is a significant threat to oceanic life mentioned in the document?Volcanic eruptionsOil spillsFishing bansIcebergsQuestion 10 of 1511. Which mineral is NOT listed as obtained from the ocean floor?IronCobaltUraniumManganeseQuestion 11 of 1512. Which oceanic animal is primarily consumed in India as per the document?SalmonCrabPrawn (कोलंबी)LobsterQuestion 12 of 1513. Which of these is not a cause of ocean pollution listed in the document?Oil spillsIce meltingIndustrial sewageExploitative fishingQuestion 13 of 1514. What role do ocean currents play in transportation?Slow down shipsIncrease fuel usageSpeed up ships and save fuelCause shipwrecksQuestion 14 of 1515. Which is the smallest ocean by area according to the document?ArcticSouthernIndianAtlanticQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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