MCQ Chapter 5 Geography Class 6 Maharashtra Board Temperature 1. Which of the following best describes a tropical region?High temperature, high rainfallLow temperature, low rainfallModerate temperature, high rainfallLow temperature, high rainfallQuestion 1 of 152. Which area experiences extreme climate?Coastal areasContinental interiorsIslandsEquatorial regionsQuestion 2 of 153. How do ocean currents influence coastal climates?By affecting wind patternsBy regulating temperatureBy causing rainfall directlyBy blocking sunlightQuestion 3 of 154. Which zone has the lowest temperature?Torrid zoneTemperate zoneFrigid zoneTropical zoneQuestion 4 of 155. Which factor causes coastal areas to have less temperature variation?WindsVegetation coverProximity to waterElevationQuestion 5 of 156. What happens to water vapor in coastal areas?It cools rapidlyIt heats the airIt remains unaffectedIt causes drynessQuestion 6 of 157. Why are nights warmer in coastal areas?Sunlight reflectionSea breezeWater vapor retains heatLack of vegetationQuestion 7 of 158. What is the main cause of global temperature rise?Ozone layer thickeningGreenhouse gas increaseSolar flaresEarth's rotationQuestion 8 of 159. Why do temperatures vary more in continental areas?Lack of water bodiesHigh windsMore vegetationCloud coverQuestion 9 of 1510. What is the main content of a thermometer?WaterMercury or alcoholOilGasQuestion 10 of 1511. Which region receives the most sunlight throughout the year?Polar regionsEquatorial regionTemperate regionCoastal regionQuestion 11 of 1512. Why is alcohol used in some thermometers?Non-toxic natureLower freezing point than mercuryCheaper than mercuryNon-reactiveQuestion 12 of 1513. What type of current is the Gulf Stream?ColdWarmNeutralDeep-seaQuestion 13 of 1514. Which factor has a local effect on temperature distribution?LatitudeCloud coverSolar radiationEarth's tiltQuestion 14 of 1515. What does the term 'diurnal range' refer to?Yearly temperature rangeDaily temperature differenceMonthly temperature variationTemperature difference between seasonsQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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