MCQ Chapter 5 Geography Class 6 Maharashtra Board Temperature 1. Which type of rays occupy less area on Earth's surface?ich type of rays occupy less area on Earth's surface?Slant raysPerpendicular raysHorizontal raysCurved raysQuestion 1 of 142. Which region receives the most heat from the sun?Areas with slant raysAreas with perpendicular raysPolar regionsCoastal areasQuestion 2 of 143. What is the main reason for the uneven distribution of temperature on Earth?Earth's rotationEarth's spherical shapeOcean currentsCloud coverQuestion 3 of 144. What happens to air temperature as altitude increases?IncreasesDecreasesRemains constantFluctuates randomlyQuestion 4 of 145. Which of these is NOT a factor affecting local climate?Cloud coverLatitudeWind speedEarth’s magnetic fieldQuestion 5 of 146. What leads to a lower diurnal range of temperature in coastal areas?Lack of vegetationPresence of water vaporStrong windsHigher altitudeQuestion 6 of 147. Which of these gases is a greenhouse gas?NitrogenOxygenCarbon dioxideNeonQuestion 7 of 148. What is the annual range of temperature?Difference between maximum and minimum temperatures in a dayDifference between summer and winter temperaturesAverage temperature throughout the yearHighest temperature recordedQuestion 8 of 149. In which regions is the climate classified as equable?Coastal areasMountainous areasDesert areasPolar regionsQuestion 9 of 1410. Which factor does NOT influence ocean currents?Temperature differencesWindsSalinity differencesEarth's magnetic fieldQuestion 10 of 1411. Which ocean current increases coastal temperatures in frigid zones?Cold currentWarm currentNeutral currentDeep-sea currentQuestion 11 of 1412. What is the main cause of the greenhouse effect?SunspotsOzone layer depletionAccumulation of greenhouse gasesVolcanic eruptionsQuestion 12 of 1413. What is the role of isotherms?Measure humidityConnect places with equal temperatureIndicate altitudeShow wind patternsQuestion 13 of 1414. Why is mercury used in thermometers?It’s cheapHigh sensitivity to temperature variationsNon-toxic natureAvailable in all temperaturesQuestion 14 of 14 Loading...
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