MCQ Chapter 4 Geography Class 6 Maharashtra Board Weather and Climate 1. What determines the speed of wind?TemperatureAir pressure differenceHumidity levelsSun’s heatQuestion 1 of 152. Why is the climate of coastal areas humid?High altitudeSea windsMountain rangesForest coverQuestion 2 of 153. Which element is NOT a part of climate description?PrecipitationAir pressureHumidityEarth’s core temperatureQuestion 3 of 154. What affects the time taken for clothes to dry?Moisture, wind, heatClouds onlyAir pressure onlyAltitude onlyQuestion 4 of 155. Which place had cold weather with mild sun on 10th June?KochiBhopalMussoorieMumbaiQuestion 5 of 156. What kind of precipitation is hailstorm?LiquidSolidGasPlasmaQuestion 6 of 157. Which region is likely to have arid climate?Coastal areasDesert areasMountain regionsForestsQuestion 7 of 158. What causes snowfall?Warm air risingVapor condensing into ice crystalsHigh air pressureLow temperature aloneQuestion 8 of 159. Which form of precipitation involves liquid water?SnowfallHailstormRainfallFrostQuestion 9 of 1510. What influences local climate?Latitude, altitude, ocean currentsDust particlesAnimal populationMagnetic fieldsQuestion 10 of 1511. What is air pressure?Weight of airSpeed of airTemperature of airMoisture in airQuestion 11 of 1512. What does the atmosphere contain in humid areas?Less vaporMore vaporNo vaporOnly dry airQuestion 12 of 1513. Which condition describes hot and dry climate?High moistureLow moistureHigh altitudeProximity to seaQuestion 13 of 1514. How do mountain ranges affect climate?Block sunlightInfluence wind and precipitationIncrease sea levelsCreate humidity directlyQuestion 14 of 1515. Which factor is NOT considered while describing weather?TemperatureWindsHumidityPopulationQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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