MCQ Chapter 4 Geography Class 6 Maharashtra Board Weather and Climate 1. What is the definition of weather?Long-term atmospheric conditionsShort-lived atmospheric conditionsSeasonal changes over yearsPermanent climate patternQuestion 1 of 152. Which of the following is NOT an element of weather?TemperatureHumidityLatitudeWindQuestion 2 of 153. Why do clothes dry quickly in Bhopal as per the example in the chapter?High humidityCool airHot and sunny conditionsCloudy weatherQuestion 3 of 154. What causes wind to blow?Rotation of the EarthDifferences in air pressureOcean currentsTemperature aloneQuestion 4 of 155. What is precipitation?Conversion of vapor to airRainfall, snowfall, hailstormMovement of airIncrease in temperatureQuestion 5 of 156. What factor causes the climate near the sea to be humid?High altitudeSea proximityMountain rangesLow temperatureQuestion 6 of 157. How does temperature change with altitude?IncreasesDecreasesRemains constantFluctuates randomlyQuestion 7 of 158. Which of the following correctly describes climate?Temporary conditionLong-term average of weatherSudden atmospheric changeShort-term temperature variationQuestion 8 of 159. In which form is moisture present in the atmosphere?Liquid waterVaporIceDustQuestion 9 of 1510. What is the state of water droplets in snow?SolidLiquidGasPlasmaQuestion 10 of 1511. Which place in the example was cloudy on 10th June?MussoorieBhopalKochiDelhiQuestion 11 of 1512. What is the main source of heat for the Earth’s surface?MoonSunVolcanoesCore of the EarthQuestion 12 of 1513. What does humid air contain more of?DustWater vaporOxygenCarbon dioxideQuestion 13 of 1514. What type of climate does Mahabaleshwar have?Hot and dryHot and humidCoolAridQuestion 14 of 1515. Which season requires woollen clothes according to the chapter?SummerRainyWinterMonsoonQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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