MCQ Chapter 2 Geography Class 6 Maharashtra Board Let us Use the Graticule 1. What are the horizontal lines on the globe called?MeridiansParallelsLatitudesLongitudesQuestion 1 of 152. Which parallel bisects the Earth into two equal halves?Tropic of CancerTropic of CapricornEquatorArctic CircleQuestion 2 of 153. What is the angular distance of the Arctic Circle from the North Pole?66° 30'90°23° 30'0°Question 3 of 154. At which two parallels do all the meridians converge?Equator and Tropic of CancerNorth Pole and South PoleArctic Circle and Antarctic CircleTropic of Capricorn and EquatorQuestion 4 of 155. Which meridian is also known as the Greenwich Meridian?180° Meridian0° Meridian90° Meridian45° MeridianQuestion 5 of 156. What is the purpose of the 0° longitude?To mark the equatorTo fix global standard timeTo define the Arctic CircleTo separate continentsQuestion 6 of 157. Which continents are spread across all four hemispheres?AsiaAfricaEuropeAustraliaQuestion 7 of 158. What is the significance of the 180° meridian?It defines the equatorIt marks the International Date LineIt is used for measuring latitudeIt defines the Tropic of CapricornQuestion 8 of 159. What is the smallest country in the world by area?MonacoVatican CitySan MarinoLiechtensteinQuestion 9 of 1510. Up to which parallels can the sun's rays be perpendicular?Arctic and Antarctic CirclesTropic of Cancer and Tropic of CapricornEquator onlyNorth Pole and South PoleQuestion 10 of 1511. What are Great Circles used for?Defining time zonesFinding the shortest distance between two placesMeasuring temperature zonesMarking boundariesQuestion 11 of 1512. Which of the following does not receive perpendicular sun rays?EquatorTropic of CancerTropic of CapricornArctic CircleQuestion 12 of 1513. The region between 23° 30' N and 23° 30' S is known as:Temperate ZoneTorrid ZoneFrigid ZoneArctic ZoneQuestion 13 of 1514. Which ocean is present in all four hemispheres?Atlantic OceanPacific OceanIndian OceanArctic OceanQuestion 14 of 1515. How are temperature zones on Earth formed?By latitude onlyDue to sunlight intensity and durationBy ocean currentsBy altitudeQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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