MCQ Chapter 10 Geography Class 6 Maharashtra Board Human Occupations 1. What is the main source of raw material for secondary occupations?IndustriesNatural resourcesServicesExportQuestion 1 of 152. Which of these is a processed product?MilkWheatCheeseFishQuestion 2 of 153. Which of the following is a primary occupation?Manufacturing shoesFishingBankingRetail salesQuestion 3 of 154. Which occupation requires special expertise and skills?PrimarySecondaryTertiaryQuaternaryQuestion 4 of 155. Why is milk powder more expensive than milk?It is imported.It has a longer shelf life due to processing.It is a rare product.It is a seasonal product.Question 5 of 156. What is the main focus of secondary occupations?Direct use of natural resourcesProcessing raw materialsProviding servicesExpertise-based servicesQuestion 6 of 157. Which of these services is part of the tertiary sector?AgricultureManufacturingBankingFishingQuestion 7 of 158. What happens to milk at a milk processing centre?It is collected.It is tested and processed into products.It is sold directly.It is discarded.Question 8 of 159. Which is an example of a quaternary occupation in the dairy industry?Milking cowsSelling milkTesting milk qualityTransporting milkQuestion 9 of 1510. Which occupation is likely to suffer most during drought?BankingIT servicesFarmingRetailQuestion 10 of 1511. What type of occupation involves the sale of milk products in the market?PrimarySecondaryTertiaryQuaternaryQuestion 11 of 1512. Which factor most directly affects primary occupations?TechnologyNatural conditionsMarketing strategiesFinancial servicesQuestion 12 of 1513. In the context of milk production, which of these is a secondary occupation?Milking cowsSelling milkMaking cheeseTransporting milkQuestion 13 of 1514. Which of these is a characteristic of quaternary occupations?Manual laborUse of advanced knowledge and expertiseDirect dependence on natureSimple service activitiesQuestion 14 of 1515. Why are quaternary occupations less common than primary occupations?They require less skill.They involve simple tasks.They need advanced expertise and technology.They are less profitable.Question 15 of 15 Loading...
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