1. What are rocks?
Answer : Rocks are hard natural substances that make up the Earth’s crust.
2. What are the three types of rocks?
Answer : The three types of rocks are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks.
3. How are igneous rocks formed?
Answer : Igneous rocks are formed when hot magma or lava cools and hardens.
4. Which rock is most common in Maharashtra?
Answer : Basalt (Igneous Rock) is the most common rock in Maharashtra.
5. How are sedimentary rocks formed?
Answer : Sedimentary rocks are formed by layering of sand, mud, and pebbles over time.
6. What are metamorphic rocks?
Answer : Metamorphic rocks are formed when igneous or sedimentary rocks change due to heat and pressure.
7. Give an example of an igneous rock.
Answer : Basalt and granite are examples of igneous rocks.
8. Which rock is used to build the Taj Mahal?
Answer : Marble (a metamorphic rock) was used to build the Taj Mahal.
9. What are fossils?
Answer : Fossils are remains of dead plants and animals found in sedimentary rocks.
10. Which rock can float on water?
Pumice, an igneous rock, can float on water because it is very light.
11. What type of rock is found in Konkan?
Answer : Laterite (a sedimentary rock) is found in Konkan.
12. Why are rocks important?
Answer : Rocks are used for construction, energy, jewelry, and soil formation.
13. What is the difference between igneous and sedimentary rocks?
Answer : Igneous rocks form from cooling of magma, while sedimentary rocks form from layering of rock particles over time.
14. How are fossils formed?
Answer : Fossils form when dead plants or animals get buried under layers of sediment and their shape is preserved.
15. Why are metamorphic rocks very hard?
Answer : Metamorphic rocks form under high heat and pressure, which makes them hard and strong.
16. Why does Maharashtra have mostly basalt rocks?
Answer : Maharashtra has basalt rocks because of ancient volcanic eruptions that covered the region.
17. What is the importance of sedimentary rocks?
Answer : Sedimentary rocks contain fossils, store underground water, and provide materials like coal and limestone.
18. How do igneous rocks help in construction?
Answer : Igneous rocks like granite are hard and strong, making them useful for building roads and houses.
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