MCQ Chapter 4.5 A Book Reviewi Class 6 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 6 1. What physical challenges does Stephen Hawking face?BlindnessWheelchair-bound and uses a computerized voice systemHearing lossParalysis in one armQuestion 1 of 122. What kind of information is included in the book?Facts about space and the universeDetails about environmental activismInstructions for building a computerA guide to vegetarian cookingQuestion 2 of 123. How is the information in the book presented?Through complex scientific equationsIn a simple, easy-to-understand mannerWith minimal illustrationsExclusively in narrative formQuestion 3 of 124. What is the message of the book?Turn away from technologyUse science and technology for the welfare of allAvoid environmental issuesProtect only your local environmentQuestion 4 of 125. What does the term "ardent" mean as used in the text?LazyEnthusiasticHesitantNeutralQuestion 5 of 126. What is George ridiculed for?His poor gradesHis parents' lifestyle choicesHis lack of friendsHis love for computersQuestion 6 of 127. What is the genre of "George's Secret Key to the Universe"?Non-fictionAdventure with scientific factsBiographyHistorical fictionQuestion 7 of 128. What is the meaning of "astounding" as used in the text?ConfusingAmazingOrdinaryDullQuestion 8 of 129. What is George's primary quality shown in the story?His artistic talentHis curiosity about the worldHis stubbornnessHis disinterest in learningQuestion 9 of 1210. What problem does the excessive use of science and technology cause?Environmental damageIncreased wealthBetter communicationGreater global peaceQuestion 10 of 1211. What is Cosmos dependent on?Solar powerHuman research and inputArtificial intelligence aloneGeorge's controlQuestion 11 of 1212. What inspires readers about Stephen Hawking?His achievements despite physical challengesHis love for natureHis artistic skillsHis adventurous spiritQuestion 12 of 12 Loading...
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