MCQ Chapter 4.2 Molai’s Kathoni Class 6 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 6 1. What is the name of the river mentioned in the story?GangaYamunaBrahmaputraGodavariQuestion 1 of 152. What tragic sight did young Jadav Payeng witness in 1979?Dead birds on a sandbarDead snakes washed ashoreFlooded rice fieldsFallen trees in a stormQuestion 2 of 153. What is the name of the island mentioned in the passage?MajuliSundarbansAndamanLakshadweepQuestion 3 of 154. What was Jadav Payeng’s mission after seeing the dead snakes?To clean the BrahmaputraTo plant and grow treesTo protect animals from floodsTo build houses for snakesQuestion 4 of 155. What type of saplings did Molai plant first?MangoBambooNeemSilk cottonQuestion 5 of 156. Why did the forest department people discourage Molai?They were afraid of wild animalsThey believed nothing grows on sandbarsThey thought it was too expensiveThey had other projects to focus onQuestion 6 of 157. What was the first tree Molai planted on the island?NeemSilk cottonBambooTeakQuestion 7 of 158. How did Molai make the sandy soil fertile?By using fertilizersBy planting grassBy bringing red antsBy digging canalsQuestion 8 of 159. How did nature contribute to Molai's work?It brought rain to water the plantsAnimals brought seeds to the islandWinds spread the fertile soilBirds built nests in the treesQuestion 9 of 1510. How many acres does Molai’s Kathoni cover today?500 acres1000 acres1500 acres2000 acresQuestion 10 of 1511. What type of animals visit Molai’s Kathoni every year?ElephantsTigersMonkeysBearsQuestion 11 of 1512. How long do the elephants stay in the forest?1 month3 months6 months12 monthsQuestion 12 of 1513. What challenge did Molai face from humans?Poachers stealing animalsPeople cutting down treesFishermen damaging the soilVillagers polluting the riverQuestion 13 of 1514. What happened to Molai’s own hut?It was destroyed by a floodIt was burned in a fireIt was destroyed by elephantsIt was taken over by poachersQuestion 14 of 1515. What did Molai use to spread fertile soil near plants?A plowHis little boatA cartHis handsQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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