MCQ Chapter 3.6 Newsflash! Class 6 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 6 1. How long was the dinosaur estimated to be?5-10 meters10-15 meters15-20 meters20-25 metersQuestion 1 of 102. How old were the fossils found in Gujarat?135 million years100 million years150 million years200 million yearsQuestion 2 of 103. How many species of dinosaurs are believed to have roamed the Kutch region?10 species13 species15 species20 speciesQuestion 3 of 104. Which natural disaster might have caused the extinction of dinosaurs?FloodsMeteor strikeEarthquakeIce ageQuestion 4 of 105. When were gravitational waves detected for the first time?January 2016February 2016March 2016April 2016Question 5 of 106. What project made the detection of gravitational waves possible?Hubble Space ProjectCERN ExperimentAdvanced LIGO ProjectVoyager Space ProjectQuestion 6 of 107. How many kilometers apart are the LIGO detectors?2000 km3000 km4000 km5000 kmQuestion 7 of 108. What caused the gravitational waves detected in 2016?Colliding black holesSupernova explosionStar collisionPlanetary impactQuestion 8 of 109. What are gravitational waves?Ripples in the oceanRipples in spacetimeRadio waves in spaceSound waves in the atmosphereQuestion 9 of 1010. How many scientists worked on the Advanced LIGO Project?About 500About 700About 900About 1200Question 10 of 10 Loading...
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