MCQ Chapter 3.4 Time Class 6 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 6At the Science Fair 1. What is the process of coating paper called?MarblingPaintingDoodlingSketchingQuestion 1 of 152. What is used to dilute oil paints in marbling?WaterKerosene or turpentineAlcoholSoapQuestion 2 of 153. How much water is used to fill the bucket for marbling?HalfFullThree-fourthsOne-fourthQuestion 3 of 154. What is the property of oil used in marbling?Dissolves in waterSinks in waterFloats on waterReacts with waterQuestion 4 of 155. What is the first step in marbling?Twirling the colorsPressing the paper on waterFilling the bucket with waterSprinkling paintQuestion 5 of 156. What is used to create shapes and designs on water in marbling?BrushSpoonHandsCombQuestion 6 of 157. What happens to the paper after lifting it out during marbling?It is rinsedIt is driedIt is painted againIt is cutQuestion 7 of 158. What materials are needed to make a magic watering can?Hammer, nail, tin, lidBrush, paint, bucketKnife, scissors, plastic bottleSpoon, lid, glueQuestion 8 of 159. How is the shower of the magic watering can controlled?By shaking itBy pressing the lidBy blocking the bottom hole with a fingerBy tilting itQuestion 9 of 1510. What scientific principle makes the magic watering can work?GravityFrictionAir pressureSurface tensionQuestion 10 of 1511. How are holes made in the tin for the magic watering can?By drillingBy using a hammer and nailBy cuttingBy piercing with scissorsQuestion 11 of 1512. What is done before turning the tin upside down in the magic watering can?The water is heatedThe lid is removedThe bottom hole is covered with a fingerThe tin is shakenQuestion 12 of 1513. What do the plants in Tanmay's presentation love?SoilSunlightShowers every dayFertilizerQuestion 13 of 1514. Why is water released when the finger is removed from the bottom hole of the magic watering can?Because of gravityBecause of air pressure differenceBecause the lid is looseBecause the tin is heavyQuestion 14 of 1515. What should you be careful of while making the magic watering can?Not to spill waterNot to hurt yourselfNot to break the tinNot to use too many nailsQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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