MCQ Chapter 3.3 Class 6 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 6Eco-friendly Celebrations 1. Who wrote the letter in the chapter?AtharvaSharvaOjasKakaQuestion 1 of 152. What festival was celebrated by Atharva in America?Eco-friendly DiwaliEco-friendly Ganesh UtsavThanksgivingHalloweenQuestion 2 of 153. What kind of Diwali celebration is planned in the letter?A grand Diwali with crackersA simple Diwali without crackersA modern Diwali with LED lightsA traditional Diwali with firecrackersQuestion 3 of 154. What traditional snacks are mentioned in the letter?Samosas and pakorasChaklees, anarsaas, karanjees, and laddoosBurgers and pizzasIdlis and dosasQuestion 4 of 155. What decorative item is planned to replace crackers?FireworksA paper lanternFairy lightsRangoliQuestion 5 of 156. What model is Sharva planning to make?A spaceshipFort RaigadA templeA schoolQuestion 6 of 157. What is Sharva collecting for his model?StonesPictures and informationToysBooksQuestion 7 of 158. What U.S.festivals is Sharva curious about?Christmas and EasterThanksgiving and HalloweenIndependence Day and Labor DayNew Year and Valentine's DayQuestion 8 of 159. What does "eco-friendly" mean?Harmful to the environmentSafe and good for the earthExpensive and stylishDifficult to maintainQuestion 9 of 1510. How can eco-friendly Holi colours be made?By using chemical powdersBy soaking beetroots and flowers in waterBy purchasing them from storesBy mixing plastic and waterQuestion 10 of 1511. What gives a dark pink-red colour for Holi?Neem leavesBeetrootHibiscus flowersMarigold petalsQuestion 11 of 1512. What flowers produce an orange colour for Holi?MarigoldPalas (Flame of the forest)RoseJasmineQuestion 12 of 1513. What should be avoided to be eco-friendly?Using plastic and toxic chemicalsGrowing treesConserving water and electricityHelping animalsQuestion 13 of 1514. What is made by drying neem, mint, or coriander leaves?Green powderYellow powderBlue pasteRed liquidQuestion 14 of 1515. What is one suggestion to make celebrations eco-friendly?Use crackers for more funAvoid wasting resourcesUse artificial colours for festivalsAvoid making snacksQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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