MCQ Chapter 2.3 Class 6 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 6An Invisible Bench 1. Why did the children run to the hall?To get real benchesTo eat invisible cakesTo continue the skitTo meet their teacherQuestion 1 of 132. What was the children’s reaction to Farukh’s claim about invisible cakes?They ignored himThey followed himThey threw down the bench and ranThey continued sittingQuestion 2 of 133. Who walked on stage after Dinesh and Ekta?AmanBeenaFarukhChandaQuestion 3 of 134. What was the final idea in the skit?To sit on the bench againTo eat invisible cakesTo paint the benchTo fold the paint suitsQuestion 4 of 135. How did Farukh trick the children initially?By sitting on the benchBy saying he moved the benchBy painting the benchBy eating invisible cakesQuestion 5 of 136. Who suggested folding the paint suits?FarukhAmanBeenaChandaQuestion 6 of 137. How many children sat on the bench at one time?ThreeFourFiveSixQuestion 7 of 138. What did the children do after folding their paint suits?Sat back on the benchLeft the stagePlayed another gameStarted the skit againQuestion 8 of 139. What was Farukh’s reaction to the children sitting on the bench?He joined themHe laughed at themHe tricked themHe ignored themQuestion 9 of 1310. How did the skit end?The children continued sittingThe children ran towards the hallThe children stopped performingThe bench was paintedQuestion 10 of 1311. What was the skit based on?Real eventsImaginationFriendshipCompetitionQuestion 11 of 1312. What did Farukh pretend to do in the end?Move the benchPaint the benchEat the invisible cakesFold the paint suitsQuestion 12 of 1313. What did the children pretend to throw down?The invisible suitsThe invisible benchThe paint brushesThe cakesQuestion 13 of 13 Loading...
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