MCQ Chapter 2.1 – Minnie and Winnie Class 6 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 6 1. Who are the main characters in the poem?Minnie and MollyMinnie and WinnieWinnie and LilyMinnie and LilyQuestion 1 of 152. Where did Minnie and Winnie sleep?In a nestIn a houseIn a shellIn a gardenQuestion 2 of 153. What color was the inside of the shell?BluePinkGreenSilverQuestion 3 of 154. What was the color of the shell from the outside?GoldPinkSilverWhiteQuestion 4 of 155. What sound wandered about in the poem?BirdsongWindSea soundsMusicQuestion 5 of 156. What does "Echo on echo" mean?Loud noiseContinuous echoSounds heard again and againSilent whispersQuestion 6 of 157. What does the line "Dies to the moon" suggest?Sounds disappear in the skySounds grow louderSounds become faint as they travelSounds echo foreverQuestion 7 of 158. Which bird started out of the croft?SparrowGreen linnetCrowPigeonQuestion 8 of 159. What does the word "croft" mean in the poem?A large gardenA small farmA bird's nestA beachQuestion 9 of 1510. What does the word "aloft" mean?On the groundUnderwaterUp in the airIn the skyQuestion 10 of 1511. Which celestial objects peeped into the shell?The moon and sunTwo bright starsPlanetsCloudsQuestion 11 of 1512. What is the meaning of "peep’d"?Shouted loudlySlept soundlyLooked quickly without noiseSang softlyQuestion 12 of 1513. What command is given to Minnie and Winnie in the poem?Run quickly!Sleep, little ladies!Wake up now!Hide in the shell!Question 13 of 1514. What does the poet ask the little ladies to avoid doing soon?SleepingWakingRunningDreamingQuestion 14 of 1515. Who is the poet of "Minnie and Winnie"?William WordsworthRobert FrostAlfred Lord TennysonJohn KeatsQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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