MCQ Chapter 1.7 Are you a DIY Kid Class 6 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 6 1. What does DIY stand for?Do It YesterdayDo It YourselfDesign It YourselfDraw It YourselfQuestion 1 of 142. At what age should children start doing things by themselves according to the chapter?5 years8 years11 years15 yearsQuestion 2 of 143. What is important for personal hygiene?Wearing clean clothes onlyWashing hands once a dayTrimming nails regularlySleeping earlyQuestion 3 of 144. Which of these is part of taking care of your clothes?Throwing them anywhereFolding them neatlyWearing the same clothes every dayKeeping dirty clothes on the bedQuestion 4 of 145. How often should undergarments be washed?Every weekOnce a monthEvery dayOnce in two weeksQuestion 5 of 146. What should you do when answering the phone?Talk loudlyBe polite and take messagesIgnore the callHang up quicklyQuestion 6 of 147. What is one important rule of being a smart consumer?Buy everything you seePay without checking the priceCheck the product and price before buyingUse plastic bags for shoppingQuestion 7 of 148. What kind of stitch should you know when sewing?Zig-zag stitchRunning stitchCross stitchChain stitchQuestion 8 of 149. Which household task is considered skilled in the chapter?Boiling waterMaking bhakriPeeling cucumbersWashing fruitsQuestion 9 of 1410. How should clothes be dried?On the floorWithout brushing or scrubbingNeatly on the clotheslineOver chairsQuestion 10 of 1411. What should you avoid while shopping?Paper bagsPlastic bagsCloth bagsCarrying your own containerQuestion 11 of 1412. Which skill is linked to taking care of plants?Watering dailyPainting the potKeeping it indoors alwaysPlaying with the plantQuestion 12 of 1413. Which swimming skill is mentioned in the chapter?Butterfly strokeFreestyle swimmingBackstrokeDivingQuestion 13 of 1414. Which calculation skill is important while shopping?Writing essaysDrawing picturesMental arithmeticMemorizing songsQuestion 14 of 14 Loading...
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