MCQ Chapter 1.5 Nu-jo’s Project Class 6 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 6 1. What is the name of the alien who visits Earth?AkshayNu-joSanjuTaraQuestion 1 of 152. Where is Nu-jo from?JupiterVenusMarsSaturnQuestion 2 of 153. What is Nu-jo’s school project about?PlantsHuman body partsAnimalsSpace explorationQuestion 3 of 154. What does Akshay offer to help Nu-jo with?Exploring EarthDrawing a spaceshipUnderstanding body parts using charts and modelsTraveling to MarsQuestion 4 of 155. Which human body part is shown to move 360 degrees in the story?ElbowWristShoulderKneeQuestion 5 of 156. What does Nu-jo identify as antennae?A snail’s feelersA bird’s beakA lion’s maneAn elephant’s tusksQuestion 6 of 157. Which of the following does not have tusks?ElephantBuffaloLionBullQuestion 7 of 158. What is Nu-jo's buzzer an indication of?It is lunchtime.His time on Earth is up.He has to finish his project.Someone is calling him.Question 8 of 159. What type of sentences are used in the story, as explained in the pointers?Only questionsOnly statementsAll four types: statements, questions, commands, and exclamationsOnly commandsQuestion 9 of 1510. What body part is described as having "eyelashes"?MouthEyeNoseChinQuestion 10 of 1511. Which part of the plant is included in Nu-jo’s observations?Leaves and rootsTrunk and branchesStem and flowersBoth A and CQuestion 11 of 1512. What is the movement range of the elbow joint mentioned in the story?360°LimitedBackward onlyRotationalQuestion 12 of 1513. What animal part is described as "mane"?TailFeathersHair around a lion’s neckElephant’s trunkQuestion 13 of 1514. Which body part has both "palm" and "wrist"?LegArmNeckFaceQuestion 14 of 1515. What is Akshay’s reaction when he sees Nu-jo?He is scared.He can’t believe his eyes.He runs away.He calls his friends.Question 15 of 15 Loading...
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