3. Say whether the following sentences are true or false.
1. Mamad became famous as the man who lied.
X (False – He was famous as the man who never lied.)
2. The king did not believe that Mamad never lied.
✔ (True – The king wanted to test Mamad.)
3. The king told Mamad to be careful.
✔ (True – He warned Mamad that people sometimes lie unknowingly.)
4. Mamad saw the king riding his horse.
X (False – He left before seeing whether the king rode the horse or not.)
5. Mamad did not give the king’s message to the queen.
X (False – He gave the message but in a careful way.)
6. Mamad told a lie to the queen.
X (False – Mamad only told what he had seen.)
7. The king agreed that Mamad was a wise man.
✔ (True – He realized Mamad only spoke the truth.)
4. Find the opposites of the following from the lesson.
Word | Opposite (from the story) |
Truth | Lie |
Foolish | Wise |
Always | Never |
Past | Future |
Tomorrow | Yesterday |
More | Less |
5. Discuss the meaning of the following sentences.
- “Even people who lived twenty days away knew about him.”
✔ This means Mamad was very famous, and people from far away knew about him.
- “Sometimes we don’t even know how the lie gets on our tongue.”
✔ This means that people sometimes lie without realizing it.
- “Maybe the King will come here by noon, maybe he won’t.”
✔ This means Mamad was not sure whether the king would come or not.
6. Form as many words as possible by combining one word each from (a) and (b). Translate the words you make.
(a) Word | (b) Word | New Word | Meaning |
No | Thing | Nothing | Not anything |
Every | One | Everyone | All people |
Any | Where | Anywhere | Any place |
Some | Body | Somebody | Some person |
7. Read the following :
care → careful → carefully
thought → thoughtful → thoughtfully
Examples in Sentences:
- She answered carefully.
- He is a thoughtful person.
8. Write any simple message for your friend.
“Hi Riya, please come to my house in the evening. We will study together. See you soon!”
9. Form groups of 5-6. Write down a simple message. Each person in the group passes on the message orally to the next one after making one change in it. See how the message changes till it reaches the last person.
First Message: “Please come over to my house. We will study together.”
Next Change: “Please come over to Tara’s house. We will study together.”
Another Change: “Please come over to Tara’s house. We will play together.”
Final Change: “Please come over to the park. We will play together.”
This shows how messages change when passed from person to person!
10. Find the past tense forms of :
Present Tense | Past Tense |
Tell | Told |
Keep | Kept |
Choose | Chose |
Live | Lived |
Become | Became |
Look | Looked |
Pass | Passed |
Call | Called |
Walk | Walked |
Turn | Turned |
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