1. Answer the following questions:
1. Who was knocking on the door of the inn?
- A poor and tired merchant was knocking on the door.
2. Why was the innkeeper not pleased?
- The innkeeper was not pleased because the merchant looked poor and wore simple clothes.
3. What did the merchant request?
- The merchant requested a simple dinner and a place to stay for the night.
4. Why did the innkeeper not drive the merchant away?
- He thought it would harm his reputation, so he allowed the merchant to stay.
5. What was the speciality of the magic herb?
- The magic herb made people forget something after eating it.
6. What did the merchant forget?
- The merchant forgot to pay the innkeeper for his stay and food.
2. Convert the Story into a Play (Group Activity)
- Form small groups and assign roles like merchant, innkeeper, and innkeeper’s wife.
- Act out the story with dialogues from the text.
3. Describe the Merchant and the Innkeeper
The Merchant:
- He was poor and tired but honest and clever.
- He wore simple clothes and carried a small cloth bag.
- He requested food and shelter politely.
The Innkeeper:
- He was greedy and unkind.
- He wanted to cheat the merchant using the magic herb.
- He learned a lesson when the merchant forgot to pay him.
4. Words with a Silent ‘K’ and Underlining Silent Letters
Words with a Silent ‘K’:
- Knock
- Knife
Underline the Silent Letter in These Words:
- Write → write
- Right → right
- Wrist → wrist
- Palm → palm
- School → school
- Listen → listen
- Rhyme → rhyme
- Hour → hour
- Scissors → scissors
5. Rearranging Sentences Based on Timeline (Tenses Activity)
Past Actions (What happened before):
- I sharpened my tusks yesterday.
- Last week, my teacher asked us to do a project.
- Once, the fox played a trick on me.
- We tried to use a magic herb on a poor merchant.
Present Actions (What is happening now):
- I am a wild boar. I live in this jungle.
- Hi! I am Nu-jo. I live on a faraway planet.
- This is my friend, Fox.
Future Actions (What will happen next):
- I will drive my enemies away.
- I will visit Planet Earth for my project.
- Now he will behave himself.
- We will never use the magic herb again.
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