MCQ Chapter 4 Civics Class 6 Maharashtra Board Urban Local Government Bodies 1. What is one of the key revenue sources for a Municipal Corporation?Income TaxProperty TaxExport DutiesForeign AidQuestion 1 of 202. What does the Transport Committee in a Municipal Corporation oversee?School curriculumMaintenance of roads and public transportHospital administrationTax collectionQuestion 2 of 203. Which local body issues permissions for building construction?Municipal CouncilNagar PanchayatMunicipal CorporationState GovernmentQuestion 3 of 204. What is the main responsibility of the Fire Brigade under the Municipal Corporation?Controlling crimeFire prevention and rescue operationsMonitoring air pollutionWater supply managementQuestion 4 of 205. What does the Municipal Corporation do regarding dangerous buildings?Provides loans for repairsDemolishes unauthorized or hazardous buildingsIncreases property taxesTransfers ownership to the governmentQuestion 5 of 206. What is the role of the Municipal Commissioner in financial matters?Collecting income taxPreparing the annual budgetControlling state-level policiesSetting national economic plansQuestion 6 of 207. What is a key function of the Education Committee in a Municipal Corporation?Conducting electionsManaging primary education and schoolsCollecting toll taxesApproving private school licensesQuestion 7 of 208. How does the Municipal Council support public hygiene?Organizing festivalsConducting health awareness drives and waste disposalPromoting tourismIncreasing entertainment optionsQuestion 8 of 209. Who supervises the day-to-day work of a Municipal Council?MayorChief OfficerDeputy MayorMunicipal CommissionerQuestion 9 of 2010. Why does the Municipal Corporation inspect weighing scales in markets?To control inflationTo ensure fair trade practicesTo increase market taxTo provide discounts to vendorsQuestion 10 of 2011. What action did the Corporation take to protect trees?Banned construction requiring tree cuttingPlanted artificial treesIncreased tree taxIntroduced a logging permit systemQuestion 11 of 2012. Why is water tax collected?To increase revenueTo fund water supply and maintenanceTo pay salaries of officersTo construct roadsQuestion 12 of 2013. What program did the Corporation implement for senior citizens?Free health check-upsConstruction of old-age homesLower property taxesSpecial entertainment tax exemptionQuestion 13 of 2014. Why does the Corporation enforce garbage disposal regulations?To generate employmentTo prevent environmental pollutionTo promote waste collection businessesTo increase local government incomeQuestion 14 of 2015. What is the role of the Health Committee in a Municipal Corporation?Regulating food safety and sanitationConducting state electionsMonitoring agricultural productionManaging railway operationsQuestion 15 of 2016. How does the Municipal Corporation handle infectious disease control?Provides free vaccinations and health awareness programsCloses all public spaces permanentlyIncreases entertainment taxesStops food productionQuestion 16 of 2017. What is the purpose of reservation in local bodies?To ensure equal representation of different communitiesTo reduce competition in electionsTo increase government controlTo eliminate political partiesQuestion 17 of 2018. What action did the Municipal Corporation take against the misuse of purified water?Fined those using it for gardens or washing carsProvided free waterIncreased water supplyRestricted water to only specific hoursQuestion 18 of 2019. What was one of the measures taken by the Municipal Corporation for environmental protection?Banned plastic bagsIncreased plastic productionAllowed unchecked industrial pollutionReduced garbage collection servicesQuestion 19 of 2020. What is the responsibility of the Vice-President in a Municipal Council?Supervises health programsAssists the President and takes charge in their absenceCollects taxesControls national policiesQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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