MCQ Chapter 2 Civics Class 6 Maharashtra Board Diversity in Society 1. What is necessary for a family to stay together?ConflictsCooperationIsolationDiscriminationQuestion 1 of 182. What happens when there is a lack of understanding in society?Conflicts ariseCooperation increasesSociety functions smoothlyPeople become more tolerantQuestion 2 of 183. What helps in maintaining religious harmony in India?Discrimination based on religionSecularismPromoting one religionIgnoring minority rightsQuestion 3 of 184. How do laws regulate society?By creating conflictsBy ensuring smooth functioningBy restricting rightsBy promoting religious biasesQuestion 4 of 185. What does social unity lead to?DivisionStrength in societyIncreased conflictsLack of cooperationQuestion 5 of 186. What happens when people accept new ideas?Social life is enrichedSociety becomes rigidConflicts increaseUnderstanding decreasesQuestion 6 of 187. Why is cooperation important in schools?It creates divisions among studentsIt promotes teamwork and learningIt encourages isolationIt limits opportunitiesQuestion 7 of 188. What does the Indian Constitution provide for linguistic minorities?No special rightsThe right to preserve their language and cultureThe obligation to adopt the majority languageRestrictions on their language useQuestion 8 of 189. What is a key advantage of cooperation?It weakens societyIt hampers progressIt promotes mutual help and inclusionIt creates social divisionsQuestion 9 of 1810. What is an essential value in resolving disputes?PrejudiceUnderstanding and compromiseDiscriminationIgnoranceQuestion 10 of 1811. What role do traditions play in society?They completely replace lawsThey help in regulating society along with lawsThey promote discriminationThey have no significanceQuestion 11 of 1812. What does playing different roles in society help with?Limiting personal growthDeveloping new skills and relationshipsCreating divisionsAvoiding responsibilitiesQuestion 12 of 1813. What happens when people show tolerance?Society becomes peacefulMore conflicts arisePrejudices increaseSocial cooperation decreasesQuestion 13 of 1814. What ensures fair opportunities for all in India?Religious discriminationEqual access to education and jobsFavoring one group over anotherIgnoring minority rightsQuestion 14 of 1815. What is an example of cooperation in a family?Helping each other in daily tasksAvoiding responsibilitiesIgnoring family problemsCreating conflictsQuestion 15 of 1816. Why is it important to protect minority rights?To promote discriminationTo maintain social harmonyTo restrict their developmentTo favor the majorityQuestion 16 of 1817. How do traditions differ from laws?Traditions are enforceable by the governmentLaws are legally binding, while traditions are social customsLaws do not affect societyTraditions have no importanceQuestion 17 of 1818. What is the importance of participation in society?It leads to isolationIt helps individuals contribute to social growthIt restricts progressIt increases conflictsQuestion 18 of 18 Loading...
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