MCQ Chapter 1 Civics Class 6 Maharashtra Board Our Life in Society 1. What is one of the reasons why societies form?To create chaosTo provide security and stabilityTo live in isolationTo avoid cooperationQuestion 1 of 202. How do people develop their skills and capabilities?By living aloneThrough education and interaction in societyBy avoiding social interactionBy ignoring othersQuestion 2 of 203. What is necessary for the smooth functioning of society?Laws and traditionsRandom decision-makingLack of communicationIgnoring others' needsQuestion 3 of 204. What is an emotional need of human beings?FoodShelterSecurity and appreciationClothingQuestion 4 of 205. What does society provide for individuals to develop?Opportunities to express thoughts and emotionsRestrictions on learningIsolation from peopleLack of encouragementQuestion 5 of 206. What would happen if there were no social institutions?Society would function smoothlyPeople would struggle to meet their needsThere would be more cooperationEducation would improveQuestion 6 of 207. What plays a role in ensuring equality among people?The ConstitutionIndividual wealthSocial divisionsPersonal opinionsQuestion 7 of 208. How do people contribute to the development of society?By working in different occupationsBy avoiding responsibilitiesBy staying isolatedBy not cooperatingQuestion 8 of 209. How does a society remain stable?By avoiding rulesBy creating social and economic systemsBy discouraging communicationBy isolating individualsQuestion 9 of 2010. What is a sign of a well-functioning society?A system to meet people's needsLack of organizationIgnoring educationDisrespect for rulesQuestion 10 of 2011. What helps in the development of artistic talents?Encouragement from societyAvoiding social supportLack of educationLiving in isolationQuestion 11 of 2012. What does interdependence in society mean?People relying on each other for different needsEveryone working aloneAvoiding teamworkNot interacting with othersQuestion 12 of 2013. What system is needed for a stable society?A system fulfilling food, clothing, and security needsA system that discourages cooperationA system of isolationA system that does not support industriesQuestion 13 of 2014. How does a language develop in an individual?By interacting with family and societyBy staying silentBy avoiding communicationBy ignoring language learningQuestion 14 of 2015. What is the importance of a permanent system in society?It ensures the smooth running of daily lifeIt creates confusionIt prevents progressIt discourages economic growthQuestion 15 of 2016. What would happen if there were no laws in society?It would be chaoticIt would be more organizedThere would be no problemsEveryone would follow the rules naturallyQuestion 16 of 2017. How do different occupations help society?By fulfilling various human needsBy making life difficultBy stopping progressBy preventing cooperationQuestion 17 of 2018. What is a key feature of a society?Interactions and relationships among peoplePeople living aloneAvoidance of cooperationLack of communicationQuestion 18 of 2019. What happens when people share their happiness with others?They feel more joyfulThey become sadThey feel lonelyThey avoid communicationQuestion 19 of 2020. What makes life in society more organized?Rules, traditions, and lawsIgnoring social normsAvoiding communicationLiving without structureQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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