1. Fill in the blanks:
1. To live among a variety of communities is to experience co-existence.
2. India is an important secular nation of the world.
3. Cooperation makes interdependence in society healthier.
2. Answer in one sentence:
1. What is meant by cooperation?
- Cooperation means helping and supporting each other to solve problems and live peacefully.
2. Why have we accepted the principle of secularism?
- We have accepted secularism to treat all religions equally and ensure that there is no discrimination based on religion.
3. Answer in two or three sentences:
1. What is it that shows the unity in Indian society?
- People in India speak different languages, follow different religions, and celebrate different festivals.
- Still, they live together peacefully, help each other, and respect every culture, which shows unity.
2. When do conflicts arise in society?
- Conflicts arise when people have different opinions, misunderstandings, or unfair treatment.
- Lack of agreement on ideas and beliefs can also cause disputes.
3. What are the advantages of cooperation?
- Cooperation helps in solving problems, reducing conflicts, and building strong relationships.
- It also makes life in society smooth and peaceful.
4. You see two children quarrelling. What would you do?
- I would calmly listen to both children and help them understand each other’s point of view.
- I would try to solve the problem peacefully and ask them to share or compromise.
5. You are the Chief Minister of the School Cabinet. What are the functions you would perform?
- I would make sure that all students follow school rules and maintain discipline.
- I would also help organize school activities, listen to students’ problems, and work for a better school environment.
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