MCQ Chapter 12 Class 12 English Rainbow Part 2 Bihar Board Sweetest Love I do not GoeMCQ’s For All Chapters – English Rainbow Part 2 Class 12th 1. Who is the poet of "Sweetest Love, I Do Not Goe"?William WordsworthJohn MiltonJohn DonneWilliam BlakeQuestion 1 of 202. What kind of verse is John Donne known for?RomanticMetaphysicalGothicModernQuestion 2 of 203. Why does the poet in "Sweetest Love, I Do Not Goe" decide to leave his beloved?To find a better loveBecause of tirednessTo experience "death" in jestDue to an argumentQuestion 3 of 204. Which celestial body does the poet compare his journey to?MoonEarthSunStarQuestion 4 of 205. According to Donne, what is feeble?Human lifeMan's powerNatureLoveQuestion 5 of 206. What effect do the beloved's sighs and tears have on the poet?They make him strongerThey weaken himThey have no effectThey confuse himQuestion 6 of 207. What does the poet suggest about parting lovers?They will never meet againThey remain unitedTheir love diminishesThey should move onQuestion 7 of 208. How does the poet view the world’s impact on his love?It strengthens itIt weakens itIt has no impactIt confuses himQuestion 8 of 209. The poet assures his beloved that he will return faster than which entity?The windThe sunThe starsThe rainQuestion 9 of 2010. What does Donne use to symbolize the passage of time?SeasonsMoonSunStarsQuestion 10 of 2011. "Sweetest Love, I Do Not Goe" expresses what theme?BetrayalSacrificeEternal loveFreedomQuestion 11 of 2012. What does "sigh'st my soul away" mean in the poem?He feels freeHe loses a part of himselfHe is indifferentHe is joyfulQuestion 12 of 2013. What does Donne mean by “more wings and spurs”?Faster travelMore responsibilityGreater hardshipsHeavier burdensQuestion 13 of 2014. In what way is "Sweetest Love, I Do Not Goe" a metaphysical poem?It focuses on natureIt explores intellectual ideas about love and deathIt follows a simple rhyme schemeIt talks about the afterlifeQuestion 14 of 2015. What does the poet advise his beloved not to do in the poem?Cry for himPray for himFear his departureAccompany himQuestion 15 of 2016. What was John Donne’s profession after his ordination?LawyerPreacherMerchantSoldierQuestion 16 of 2017. How does Donne describe man's control over time?StrongWeakCompleteGradualQuestion 17 of 2018. Which literary device is used in "When thou sigh’st, thou sigh’st not winde"?MetaphorHyperbolePersonificationSimileQuestion 18 of 2019. Which quality of his beloved makes the poet question her love?Her tearsHer sighsHer laughterHer silenceQuestion 19 of 2020. What does "fitter love" refer to in the poem?Better love than his belovedLove that fades awayHis love for natureHis love for lifeQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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