MCQ Chapter 1 Class 12 English Rainbow Part 2 Bihar Board Indian Civilization and CultureMCQ’s For All Chapters – English Rainbow Part 2 Class 12th 1. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is popularly known as:Mahatma GandhiSubhas Chandra BoseJawaharlal NehruSardar PatelQuestion 1 of 252. Gandhi's autobiography is titled:My Struggles for FreedomMy Experiments with TruthThe Story of My LifeIndia’s IndependenceQuestion 2 of 253. Gandhiji's chief weapons against British rule were:Revolts and ProtestsTruth and Non-ViolenceMilitary TacticsWestern SupportQuestion 3 of 254. Gandhi believed Indian civilization is:Inferior to Western civilizationThe best in the worldBased on modern technologyFocused on industrializationQuestion 4 of 255. According to Gandhi, civilization is a mode of:CompetitionConductKnowledgePowerQuestion 5 of 256. The Gujarati equivalent of civilization means:ProgressGood conductModernityProsperityQuestion 6 of 257. According to Gandhi, the mind is compared to:A cageA restless birdA flowing riverA steady flameQuestion 7 of 258. The characteristic of modern civilization is:Restriction of wantsMultiplication of wantsPromotion of moralitySimple livingQuestion 8 of 259. Indian civilization emphasizes:Material progressMoral and spiritual developmentIndustrial growthTechnological advancementsQuestion 9 of 2510. Gandhi says real happiness depends on:WealthPowerContentmentCompetitionQuestion 10 of 2511. According to Gandhi, large cities are:Centers of progressTraps and burdensHubs of cultureSigns of civilizationQuestion 11 of 2512. Our ancestors preferred:IndustrializationSmall villagesUrbanizationWestern influenceQuestion 12 of 2513. Modern civilization is described as:A blessing for allMaterialistic and godlessA way to happinessBased on moral valuesQuestion 13 of 2514. Gandhi warns against:Cultural traditionsMaterial temptationsAncient knowledgeReligious teachingsQuestion 14 of 2515. Gandhi considers the sword of ethics to be:Inferior to kings’ swordsSuperior to material powerA form of physical weaponryOutdated in modern timesQuestion 15 of 2516. What did Gandhi advocate for Indian society?Western educationSelf-relianceIndustrial capitalismUrban migrationQuestion 16 of 2517. Gandhi’s concept of home rule is:Direct foreign controlDecentralized self-governanceBritish-led administrationLarge-scale urbanizationQuestion 17 of 2518. Gandhi argued that happiness is largely:Based on wealthA mental conditionRooted in competitionDerived from physical pleasureQuestion 18 of 2519. Which ancient civilizations have disappeared, according to Gandhi?Indian and ChineseGreek and RomanPersian and EgyptianBoth (b) and (c)Question 19 of 2520. Gandhi claims Indian ancestors avoided:MachinesEthical thinkingWestern philosophiesSimple livingQuestion 20 of 2521. According to Gandhi, Western civilization lacks:Material comfortMoral and spiritual elevationScientific achievementsEconomic prosperityQuestion 21 of 2522. What is the main evil of modern civilization, according to Gandhi?Multiplication of wantsRestriction of desiresSelf-disciplineSimplistic livingQuestion 22 of 2523. Gandhi describes modern inventions as:Tools of spiritual progressMaddening distractionsMeans of cultural preservationSigns of ethical improvementQuestion 23 of 2524. The fall of Babylonian, Persian, and Egyptian civilizations highlights:The permanence of material powerThe transient nature of material progressTheir moral superiority over othersTheir influence on Indian cultureQuestion 24 of 2525. What does Gandhi emphasize as the foundation of Indian civilization?Scientific advancementsMaterial wealthSpiritual and moral valuesGlobal tradeQuestion 25 of 25 Loading...
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