Important Questions For All Chapters – English Class 12
I Have a Dream
Short Questions with Answers
1. Who was Martin Luther King Jr.?
Answers : He was a Baptist minister and a civil rights activist.
2. What influenced Martin Luther King’s philosophy?
Answers : His philosophy was influenced by Gandhiji’s idea of non-violence.
3. What was the purpose of the Montgomery Bus Boycott?
Answers : It aimed to protest against racial segregation on buses.
4. What significant award did Martin Luther King Jr. receive in 1964?
Answers : He received the Nobel Peace Prize.
5. What is the title of Martin Luther King’s famous speech?
Answers : The speech is titled “I Have a Dream.”
6. When was the “I Have a Dream” speech delivered?
Answers : It was delivered on August 28, 1963.
7. Where did Martin Luther King deliver his famous speech?
Answers : At the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.
8. What does the Emancipation Proclamation symbolize?
Answers : It symbolizes hope and freedom for enslaved Negroes.
9. What does Martin Luther King Jr. call the current state of America?
Answers : He calls it a failure to honor its promise of justice to all.
10. What does Martin Luther King urge people to avoid?
Answers : He urges them to avoid violence and hatred.
11. What pledge do the Negroes take?
Answers : They pledge to continue their march for justice and equality.
12. What is the ‘bank of justice’ in King’s speech?
Answers : It symbolizes the hope for equality and justice in society.
13. What does Martin Luther King Jr. dream of for his children?
Answers : He dreams they will be judged by their character, not skin color.
14. What does the ‘oasis of freedom’ represent?
Answers : It represents a place free from injustice and oppression.
15. Why does Martin Luther King mention ‘New York and Georgia’?
Answers : He highlights the universal call for justice across all states.
16. What does King mean by ‘soul force’?
Answers : It means non-violent resistance to oppression.
17. What will happen when freedom rings everywhere?
Answers : People of all races and religions will unite in peace.
18. Why does Martin Luther King ask people to have faith?
Answers : Faith is needed to overcome despair and achieve freedom.
19. What does King mean by ‘creative suffering’?
Answers : It refers to enduring hardships with the hope of justice.
20. What is the ultimate goal of King’s dream?
Answers : It is to establish equality and unity for all humanity.
Medium Questions with Answers
1. What does Martin Luther King Jr. mean by the “bank of justice” ?
Answers : The “bank of justice” represents the ideals of equality and freedom. King believes it is not bankrupt and has enough resources for justice and opportunity. He urges America to honor its promises of fairness to all citizens.
2. Why does Martin Luther King Jr. emphasize “now is the time” ?
Answers : He stresses urgency to address racial injustice without delay. Gradualism, he warns, would prolong suffering and deny immediate equality. Action is necessary to lift America from segregation to brotherhood.
3. What is the significance of “I Have a Dream” in his speech?
Answers : The repeated phrase highlights his vision for an equal and united society. It inspires hope and determination among people for freedom and justice. Each dream reflects a step toward racial harmony and equality.
4. What does King mean by “creative suffering”?
Answers : He acknowledges the pain and sacrifices endured by freedom fighters. This suffering, he believes, has redemptive value, building faith and strength for the civil rights movement. It symbolizes resilience against injustice.
5. What is King’s pledge to his followers?
Answers : The pledge is to keep moving forward without turning back. He emphasizes perseverance despite challenges, aiming for justice and equality. It signifies their commitment to a peaceful struggle for freedom.
6. Why does King caution against hatred and violence?
Answers : He advocates for dignity and discipline in the fight for equality. Hatred and violence, he says, only harm the cause and create more divisions. Non-violence ensures moral strength and unity in the struggle.
7. What does King envision for Alabama in his dream?
Answers : He dreams of Alabama becoming a place of brotherhood and equality. He envisions black and white children holding hands as equals. This transformation symbolizes the eradication of racial prejudice.
8. How does King inspire hope despite current challenges?
Answers : He emphasizes faith in justice and equality overcoming adversity. Through collective effort and unity, he believes change is inevitable. His optimism motivates people to continue their fight for freedom.
9. What is the significance of “freedom ringing” in the speech?
Answers : “Freedom ringing” symbolizes equality reaching all parts of America. It represents the realization of a society free of oppression. King sees this as the foundation of a truly great nation.
10. What role do white allies play in King’s vision?
Answers : King acknowledges white allies who support civil rights. He believes their destinies are tied to those of African Americans. This shared freedom strengthens the movement for equality and justice.
11. What trials and tribulations does King mention?
Answers : He speaks of persecution, imprisonment, and police brutality faced by activists. These struggles reflect the harsh realities of the civil rights movement. However, King sees these sacrifices as steps toward redemption.
12. How does King use the American dream in his speech?
Answers : He ties his vision of racial equality to the American dream. He highlights the promise that all men are created equal. This universal idea makes his dream resonate with all Americans.
Long Questions with Answers
1. What does Martin Luther King Jr. mean by “urgency of now”? Why is it important?
Answers : King says it is important to act immediately to stop injustice. Waiting too long allows unfair treatment to continue. He compares waiting to taking a “slow medicine” that delays healing. Acting now can bring justice and equality faster.
2. What does the “bad cheque” in the speech mean?
Answers : The “bad cheque” means America has not kept its promise of equality. African Americans were promised freedom but still face discrimination. King uses this example to show how unfair things are. He asks America to fulfill its promise to all people.
3. How does King describe the life of African Americans 100 years after slavery ended?
Answers : He says they are still not free, living in poverty and unfair conditions. African Americans are treated unequally and feel like strangers in their own country. Even though America is rich, they live with fewer opportunities. King calls this a failure to bring real freedom.
4. What is King’s dream for the future?
Answers : King dreams of a world where people are judged by their character, not their skin color. He wants a society where everyone lives in peace and equality. His dream includes an America that keeps its promise of fairness for all. This dream gives hope to everyone fighting for justice.
5. Why does King say non-violence is important in the fight for freedom?
Answers : King tells his followers not to use violence or hate. He believes in fighting injustice with peace and dignity. Non-violence brings moral strength and keeps people united. It is important because it shows the struggle is fair and just.
6. What does King believe faith and hard work can achieve?
Answers : King believes faith can turn sadness into hope and hate into unity. Hard work will help achieve a world where everyone is free and equal. He sees faith as a strong force to keep people working for change. It encourages people to stay strong even during tough times.
7. What does “let freedom ring” mean in King’s speech?
Answers : It means that freedom should be everywhere in America. King wants all states and cities to be places of justice and equality. By repeating it, he makes people feel inspired and united. It reminds everyone of the dream of a fair and free nation.
8. What does King mean by “free at last”? Why is it important?
Answers : “Free at last” means the end of injustice and discrimination. It shows King’s hope for a world where everyone is truly free. This freedom unites all races, religions, and communities. It is the happy ending to his dream of equality.
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