Important Questions For All Chapters – English Class 12
Teaching of English in India
Short Questions with Answers
1. Who is the author of The Teaching of English in India?
- The author of The Teaching of English in India is Prof. Amarnath Jha.
2. What is the main topic of the essay?
- The essay discusses the challenges and realities of teaching English in India.
3. How long has English been taught in India according to the essay?
- English has been taught in India for almost a century.
4. What is the quality of English teaching in primary schools, as stated in the essay?
- English teaching in primary schools is generally very poor and unsatisfactory.
5. What type of teachers are usually assigned to primary classes?
- Primary classes are often assigned the juniormost or least qualified teachers.
6. What are the common pronunciation mistakes mentioned in the essay?
- Common mistakes include pronouncing “lion” as “loin,” “clever” as “claver,” and “father” as “fother.”
7. What kind of textbooks are prescribed for junior school classes?
- The textbooks prescribed often contain content far removed from the lives of Indian students.
8. Why is English a difficult subject for Indian students?
- English is difficult because it is a foreign language with many rules and is also used as the medium of instruction for other subjects.
9. What does the author compare English to for Indian boys?
- The author compares English to a “gorgon, hydra, or chimera dire” for Indian boys.
10. What does the essay suggest about learning other subjects through English?
- It suggests that students struggle to learn other subjects as they cannot express their knowledge in correct English.
11. What does the author recommend for teaching at the primary level?
- The author recommends using trained teachers and relevant textbooks that connect with the students’ lives.
12. What is ‘Babu English’?
- ‘Babu English’ refers to incorrect and awkward English, often humorous, used by some Indians.
13. What kind of literature does the author suggest for high school students?
- The author suggests literature that is enjoyable, well-written, and inspires interest in students.
14. What should teachers focus on while teaching literature?
- Teachers should focus on the spirit and enjoyment of literature rather than its technical aspects.
15. What is the role of the university teacher according to the essay?
- The university teacher should guide students to appreciate great literature and develop their tastes.
16. Why does the author criticize the current method of teaching literature?
- The author criticizes it because it often involves dull lectures and technicalities instead of inspiring students.
17. What method of teaching did Sir Walter Raleigh use?
- Sir Walter Raleigh read aloud prose and poetry to his class to make literature engaging.
18. What does the author believe about specialization in English?
- The author believes specialization should come after students have a general understanding of English literature.
19. How can English become interesting for students?
- English can become interesting if it is taught with enthusiasm and connects to the students’ lives and environment.
20. What is the purpose of the essay?
- The purpose of the essay is to improve the teaching and learning of English in India
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