Important Questions For All Chapters – English Class 12
An Epitaph
Short Questions with Answers
1. Who wrote the poem “An Epitaph”?
Answers : Walter de la Mare wrote the poem “An Epitaph.”
2. Where was Walter de la Mare born?
Answers : He was born in Charlton, Kent, England.
3. What is an epitaph?
Answers : An epitaph is an inscription on a tomb in memory of the dead.
4. Where does the lady lie in the poem?
Answers : The lady lies in the West Country.
5. How does the poet describe the lady’s beauty?
Answers : The poet says she was the most beautiful lady in the West Country.
6. What does the poet mean by “beauty passes”?
Answers : He means beauty does not last forever.
7. What does “light of step and heart” mean?
Answers : It means she moved lightly and had a carefree heart.
8. What feeling does the poet express about the lady?
Answers : The poet expresses sadness for the lady’s passing.
9. What does the poet think will happen after he dies?
Answers : He thinks no one will remember the lady when he dies.
10. What is the mood of the poem?
Answers : The mood of the poem is melancholy and reflective.
Medium Questions with Answers
1. What does the poet think about beauty?
Answers : The poet believes beauty is rare and precious but does not last forever. Even the most beautiful things eventually fade away. He reflects on how temporary physical beauty can be. This shows that beauty’s value lies in its fleeting nature.
2. Why does the poet think no one will remember the lady?
Answers : The poet fears that once he dies, the memory of the lady will vanish. He thinks beauty is not enough to keep someone remembered forever. Without people to recall her, she will be forgotten. This thought fills him with sadness.
3. What is the meaning of “rare” in the poem?
Answers : In the poem, “rare” means something uncommon or precious. The poet uses the word to emphasize how special the lady’s beauty was. However, even rare beauty cannot last forever. It eventually fades like all other things.
4. What does “light of step and heart” suggest about the lady?
Answers : It means the lady moved gracefully and lived with a carefree spirit. She was joyful and unburdened by heavy emotions. The poet admired her light-hearted nature. This phrase captures her gentle and lively essence.
5. What does the poet mean by “And when I crumble”?
Answers : “Crumble” refers to the poet’s death and the decay of his body. He is concerned that after his death, no one will remember the beautiful lady. His words show the fragility of both life and memory. This adds a sorrowful tone to the poem.
6. What is the mood of the poem “An Epitaph”?
Answers : The mood of the poem is melancholic and reflective. The poet feels sorrow over the fleeting nature of beauty and memory. He reflects on how people and their beauty are forgotten after death. This gives the poem a tone of quiet sadness.
Long Questions with Answers
1. What does the poet think will happen when he dies?
Answers : The poet believes that after his death, no one will remember the lady. He uses the phrase “when I crumble” to refer to his own death and decay. Once he is gone, her beauty will be forgotten along with him. This shows the temporary nature of both memory and beauty. The poet feels sorrow at the thought of such a loss.
2. Discuss the philosophical meaning of the poem.
Answers : The poem reflects on the temporary nature of life, beauty, and memory. It suggests that even rare beauty fades, and people are forgotten with time. The poet questions the value of physical beauty when it cannot last forever. He explores the inevitability of death and the fleeting nature of human existence. This philosophical tone adds depth to the poem’s message.
3. Why is the poem “An Epitaph” considered ironical?
Answers : The poem is ironical because it praises the lady’s beauty but also emphasizes its impermanence. Although beauty is admired, it cannot keep someone remembered forever. The poet highlights the contradiction between valuing beauty and its fleeting nature. He suggests that something so cherished is still forgotten over time. This irony deepens the melancholy tone of the poem.
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