MCQ Chapter 9 Class 11 English Bihar Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 11National Unity, Nation and Nationalism 1. Who authored the essay "National Unity, Nation, and Nationalism"?Subhash Chandra BoseJawaharlal NehruJayaprakash NarayanRabindranath TagoreQuestion 1 of 202. What is Jayaprakash Narayan popularly called?Lok NayakDesh BhaktBharat RatnaJan NayakQuestion 2 of 203. What event is popularly associated with Jayaprakash Narayan in the 1970s?Non-Cooperation MovementJP MovementDandi MarchGreen RevolutionQuestion 3 of 204. According to the essay, nationalism means different things to different ___?GenerationsClassesRegionsCountriesQuestion 4 of 205. What year marked the birth of the Indian National Congress?1857188519051947Question 5 of 206. What notable event does the author compare with 1885 in terms of nationalism?Dandi March1857 Sepoy MutinyQuit India MovementPartition of BengalQuestion 6 of 207. What does the year 1857 symbolize in Indian history?Formation of CongressSepoy MutinyPartition of IndiaIntroduction of Zamindari systemQuestion 7 of 208. What form of action characterized the 1857 event?Humble petitioningOpen and armed strugglePeaceful protestsPolitical negotiationsQuestion 8 of 209. How did the Congress act in 1885?By declaring warThrough prayer and petitionBy organizing revoltsBy seeking international interventionQuestion 9 of 2010. According to JP, what does "nationalism" depend upon?The leaders of the timeHistorical circumstances and society’s structureEconomic growthGlobal alliancesQuestion 10 of 2011. What is the first "breach" in national unity, as per JP?Landlords opposing peasantsPrinces opposing the national movementIndustrialists seeking political powerForeign alliances against IndiaQuestion 11 of 2012. Why does JP argue that landlords cannot support nationalism?They are loyal to British imperialismThey are economically self-sufficientThey oppose industrializationThey lack political knowledgeQuestion 12 of 2013. What do industrialists consider nationalism?A means to fight exploitationA chance to exploit the country's resourcesA social reform movementA way to gain freedomQuestion 13 of 2014. What is the second "breach" in national unity?Peasants' distrust of landlordsIndustrialists' desire for powerLandlords' loyalty to imperialismWorkers’ discontent with wagesQuestion 14 of 2015. What is the third "breach" in national unity?Industrialists' reluctance to fight imperialismPeasants' unwillingness to unitePrinces’ refusal to participate in politicsBureaucrats' allegiance to the BritishQuestion 15 of 2016. What is the primary method of struggle known to peasants?Legal actionDirect actionPeaceful resistanceEconomic boycottsQuestion 16 of 2017. Why is "peasant raj" important in JP’s vision of nationalism?It signifies the end of imperialismIt reflects freedom from exploitationIt leads to industrial growthIt emphasizes cultural unityQuestion 17 of 2018. According to JP, what happens if peasants become conscious?National unity strengthensNational unity breaks upPeasants dominate politicsPeasants support imperialismQuestion 18 of 2019. What is the key weapon for workers, according to JP?Political lobbyingDirect actionEconomic reformsLegislative measuresQuestion 19 of 2020. What does JP identify as a consequence of a class-conscious working class?Stronger nationalismBreak-up of national unityBetter industrial relationsEconomic growthQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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