MCQ Chapter 9 Class 11 English Bihar Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 11National Unity, Nation and Nationalism 1. What does JP say about national unity in its current form?It is unbreakableIt is a mythIt includes all classes equallyIt is strongly against imperialismQuestion 1 of 152. Why does JP criticize the Indian industrial class?They exploit peasantsThey depend on imperialismThey avoid political participationThey are too small in numberQuestion 2 of 153. What kind of nationalism does JP advocate?Mass-conscious nationalismElite-driven nationalismGlobal nationalismRegional nationalismQuestion 3 of 154. What does JP mean by "imperialism"?Self-governanceA powerful nation exploiting weaker onesAgricultural reformsEconomic self-relianceQuestion 4 of 155. According to JP, what is the ultimate goal of mass struggle?Economic independence for industrialistsFreedom from exploitation for the massesPolitical power for landlordsCultural developmentQuestion 5 of 156. Which group does JP suggest is central to Indian nationalism?PrincesIndustrialistsPeasantsLandlordsQuestion 6 of 157. What does JP consider the role of the bourgeoisie in the nationalist struggle?They actively fight imperialismThey benefit from the masses' struggleThey lead the movement selflesslyThey represent all classesQuestion 7 of 158. How does JP describe the state of Indian landlords?Opposed to imperialismLoyal supporters of imperialismActive participants in politicsAdvocates of peasant rightsQuestion 8 of 159. What is the role of mass consciousness in JP’s view of true nationalism?It is irrelevantIt unites all classesIt strengthens the lower classesIt should be suppressed for unityQuestion 9 of 1510. What does JP believe about the unity of all classes under nationalism?It is practicalIt is propagandaIt is achievable through reformsIt is essential for independenceQuestion 10 of 1511. How does JP view the concept of Swaraj as promoted by elites?Necessary for all classesA mystery to peasantsSupported by landlordsIrrelevant to freedomQuestion 11 of 1512. What is the impact of imperialism on industrialists, according to JP?It benefits themIt weakens their growthIt strengthens their political powerIt unites them with peasantsQuestion 12 of 1513. What does JP mean by "bourgeoisie"?Peasant leadersLandlords and industrialistsWorking-class citizensForeign tradersQuestion 13 of 1514. How does JP define the "freedom of peasants"?Self-rule in villagesEconomic exploitationFreedom from all exploitationLand redistributionQuestion 14 of 1515. What is JP’s ultimate criticism of Indian nationalism?It prioritizes industrial growthIt lacks mass consciousnessIt is heavily influenced by religionIt is too focused on educationQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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