MCQ Chapter 8 Future of English Class 11 English Bihar Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 11 1. What is the primary purpose of the story-telling technique used in this chapter?To entertain readersTo teach historical factsTo help learners understand and master EnglishTo promote ancient languagesQuestion 1 of 202. What historical text is mentioned as a comparison to the story of English?RamayanaJataka TalesArabian NightsIliadQuestion 2 of 203. What major question does the chapter address about the English language?Will English become more complex?Will English fall apart or develop into a global standard?Will English become an official language worldwide?Will English replace other languages?Question 3 of 204. About how many people were using the internet in 1995?10 million45 million100 million500 millionQuestion 4 of 205. What happened to Latin after the fall of the Roman Empire?It became the official language of Europe.It disappeared completely.It evolved into new languages like Spanish and French.It remained unchanged.Question 5 of 206. What role does the internet play in the evolution of English?It limits the spread of English.It promotes traditional grammar rules.It causes rapid changes in grammar and usage.It has no impact on English.Question 6 of 207. Which of the following is not mentioned as a use of Global Standard English?International travelMultinational businessMusic compositionCommunication between governmentsQuestion 7 of 208. What was Latin primarily associated with during its peak usage?Religious practicesRoman EmpireScientific discoveriesArt and cultureQuestion 8 of 209. What is a key factor in the dilution of earlier concepts of English grammar?Print mediaThe internetTourismGlobal warmingQuestion 9 of 2010. Which modern factor indicates the indispensability of English?Increase in schools teaching EnglishNumber of Cyber cafes in IndiaPopularity of English moviesGrowth of global literature in EnglishQuestion 10 of 2011. How many years ago was Latin a global language?500 years600 years800 years1000 yearsQuestion 11 of 2012. Which of these languages evolved from Latin?GermanSpanishHindiChineseQuestion 12 of 2013. What is a unique feature of English according to this chapter?Its rigid rulesIts ability to evolve and adaptIts limited usage in modern timesIts replacement of all native languagesQuestion 13 of 2014. What is one possible outcome for English mentioned in the chapter?It will become extinct.It will merge with Latin.It will develop into a Global Standard English.It will remain unchanged.Question 14 of 2015. Which storytelling tradition is mentioned in the chapter?MahabharataBeowulfArabian TalesOdysseyQuestion 15 of 2016. Why are many countries developing computer programs in their own languages?To oppose EnglishTo preserve cultural identityTo make English obsoleteTo save moneyQuestion 16 of 2017. Which era saw rapid changes in the English language?17th century18th century20th century21st centuryQuestion 17 of 2018. What is one main indicator of the popularity of the internet in India?Growth of English schoolsIncrease in Cyber cafesGovernment policiesOnline gaming cultureQuestion 18 of 2019. What is the status of English in multinational business organizations?OptionalSecondaryEssentialDecliningQuestion 19 of 2020. Which language family does Latin belong to?Indo-AryanSino-TibetanItalicDravidianQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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