MCQ Chapter 7 The Leader Of Men Class 11 English Bihar Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 11 1. Who is the author of The Leader of Men?R.K. NarayanSiddharth ChowdhuryRuskin BondPremchandQuestion 1 of 202. In which city is The Leader of Men set?MumbaiDelhiPatnaKolkataQuestion 2 of 203. Where did Roop Singh work as a security guard?A hospitalAn apartment buildingA shopping mallA collegeQuestion 3 of 204. How many guards worked in the apartment building at all times?TwoThreeFourFiveQuestion 4 of 205. Where did the guards live?In servant quarters near the parking lotIn the basement of the buildingIn small rooms on the terraceIn shared apartments outside the buildingQuestion 5 of 206. Why were the guards not allowed to keep their families with them?Due to lack of spaceBuilding regulations prohibited itTo ensure focus on workIt was not specifiedQuestion 6 of 207. What was unique about Roop Singh compared to other guards?He spoke impeccable EnglishHe was very tall and strongHe always wore an ironed uniformAll of the aboveQuestion 7 of 208. How did Kedia react to Roop Singh speaking English?He appreciated himHe was shocked and angryHe ignored itHe dismissed it as a jokeQuestion 8 of 209. What was Kedia’s role in the apartment building?Security supervisorPresident of the owner’s associationMaintenance headBuilding managerQuestion 9 of 2010. What did Kedia accuse Roop Singh of doing to his guest?Being disrespectfulPhysically stopping the guest from going upstairsAsking for bribesBeing absent from his postQuestion 10 of 2011. What was Roop Singh’s caste background according to the other guards?Forward casteLower casteMiddle casteIt is not mentionedQuestion 11 of 2012. What did the other guards think of Roop Singh?They respected himThey disliked him for being haughtyThey ignored him entirelyThey envied his skillsQuestion 12 of 2013. How much was Roop Singh paid per month?₹500₹600₹700₹1,000Question 13 of 2014. Why did Kedia want Roop Singh removed from his job?Roop insulted him in front of othersRoop broke the apartment rulesRoop was inefficient and insolentRoop refused to obey his ordersQuestion 14 of 2015. What did Roop Singh stop doing to express his defiance against Kedia?Reporting for work on timeSaluting KediaSpeaking to KediaAttending meetingsQuestion 15 of 2016. What was Roop Singh’s educational background?He was uneducatedHe had studied till intermediateHe had completed graduationHe had completed primary educationQuestion 16 of 2017. Why did Roop Singh leave his job as a teacher?He disliked teachingThe school did not pay salariesHe got a better job offerHe moved to another cityQuestion 17 of 2018. At what age did Roop Singh get married?15182022Question 18 of 2019. What kind of books did Ritwik lend to Roop Singh?Hindi literature booksEnglish novelsHistory booksScience textbooksQuestion 19 of 2020. What sweater did Roop Singh wear with pride?A black sweaterA bright maroon sweater sent by his wifeA blue sweater given by his employerA grey sweater provided by the building managementQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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