MCQ Chapter 5 Modern English Class 11 English Bihar Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 11 1. What time period does Modern English cover?12th to 14th centuries15th century onwards13th century onwards18th to 20th centuriesQuestion 1 of 202. Modern English is divided into:Early and Late Old EnglishMiddle and Modern EnglishModern English I and IIBritish and American EnglishQuestion 2 of 203. English occupies an official position in global organizations like:NATO and G20IMF and WHOBRICS and ASEANWTO and OPECQuestion 3 of 204. Which technological advancement contributed significantly to the development of Modern English?Steam enginePrinting technologyTelegraphInternetQuestion 4 of 205. The rise of literacy in England during Modern English I occurred by:14th century16th century17th century18th centuryQuestion 5 of 206. Which two major European events influenced Modern English?Norman Conquest and RenaissanceRenaissance and ReformationIndustrial Revolution and ReformationFrench Revolution and RenaissanceQuestion 6 of 207. In India, English is used extensively for:Artistic endeavorsOfficial, social, and commercial purposesReligious ceremoniesPolitical debatesQuestion 7 of 208. Why are Indians considered quick learners of English?English grammar is simpleIndia belongs to the Indo-European language familyExposure to British literatureColonial influenceQuestion 8 of 209. Which challenge was highlighted for young Indians regarding English?Lack of teachersLosing the advantage of mastering EnglishHigh cost of learningAbsence of resourcesQuestion 9 of 2010. The vocabulary of Modern English grew rapidly due to:Borrowing from other languagesReduction of grammatical rulesInvention of new wordsEvolution of dialectsQuestion 10 of 2011. English borrowed words from how many languages during the 16th and 17th centuries?102550100Question 11 of 2012. The group that opposed foreign borrowings into English was called:ReformistsPuristsRenaissance thinkersLinguistsQuestion 12 of 2013. Which language contributed words like guru and sepoy?HindiArabicPersianGreekQuestion 13 of 2014. Which word is borrowed from Italian?AlgebraBalconyTrekLandscapeQuestion 14 of 2015. The Dutch contributed words like:Knapsack and frolicChocolate and passportAlgebra and sultanGuitar and barricadeQuestion 15 of 2016. Borrowings from Spanish include:Algebra and hashishBarricade and bananaBuffalo and verandahYoghurt and caftanQuestion 16 of 2017. Words like sultan and bazaar came from:PersianArabicTurkishPortugueseQuestion 17 of 2018. Borrowings from French include:Alloy and chocolateAlgebra and kioskTrek and apartheidGuru and thugQuestion 18 of 2019. Which language gave words like virus and capsule?ArabicLatin/GreekHindiTurkishQuestion 19 of 2020. The term apartheid originates from:DutchAfrikaansPortugueseSpanishQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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