MCQ Chapter 31 Spring Class 11 English Bihar Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 11 1. The phrase "soft murm'ring through the trees" is an example of which literary device?AlliterationPersonificationSimileMetaphorQuestion 1 of 202. What sensation does the poet mention as being "increased" by the breeze?JoyCuriosityFearConfusionQuestion 2 of 203. According to the poet, the fragrance carried by the breeze is a source of:SadnessComfortJoy and delightDistractionQuestion 3 of 204. How are the colors of spring flowers described in the poem?Plain and monochromaticPainted by Nature's handsArtificially enhancedEasily imitated by artistsQuestion 4 of 205. According to the poet, which aspect of flowers is beyond the capability of Art to copy?ColorsPatternsFragranceShapesQuestion 5 of 206. Which word does the poet use to describe the different types of flowers?ProfuseCommonRareLargeQuestion 6 of 207. What does the poet suggest artists lack in imitating flowers?MaterialsCreativityFragranceInspirationQuestion 7 of 208. The poet mentions the “queen of flowers” in the poem. To which flower does this refer?SunflowerLotusRoseLilyQuestion 8 of 209. The colors of spring mentioned in the poem include all the following EXCEPT:RedOrangeYellowPurpleQuestion 9 of 2010. Which flower does the poet call the “emblem of love and of delight”?The lilyThe primroseThe roseThe daisyQuestion 10 of 2011. Who is Flora in the context of this poem?A friend of the poetA representation of NatureThe Greek goddess of flowersThe poet’s sisterQuestion 11 of 2012. What does the poet mean by “her kins and sisters in the same bed”?Flowers growing togetherBirds sharing nestsInsects in a hiveTrees sharing rootsQuestion 12 of 2013. In the poem, which flower does NOT appear as part of the "lovely band"?BriarEglantineSunflowerPrimroseQuestion 13 of 2014. Which flowers in the poem are said to "rival for the prize"?Only rosesAll flowersOnly primroses and briarsOnly flowers with a fragranceQuestion 14 of 2015. The word “livery” in the line "Nature put on livery new" most closely means:A type of flowerA new clothing or coveringAn old plantA fragranceQuestion 15 of 2016. The poet contrasts Nature’s creativity with that of:MusiciansArtistsScientistsPhilosophersQuestion 16 of 2017. What is the primary theme of the poem "Spring"?The hardships of winterThe beauty and freshness of springThe intensity of summerThe peacefulness of autumnQuestion 17 of 2018. The poem describes spring as a time of:DestructionGrowth and renewalDecaySleepQuestion 18 of 2019. The poet uses which of the following to describe flowers in spring?Soldiers in battleArtists at workJealous siblingsScholars in a debateQuestion 19 of 2020. The poem “Spring” can best be described as:An epicA descriptive and didactic poemA narrative poemA lyric poem about warQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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