MCQ Chapter 30 Class 11 English Bihar Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 11I Am The Daughter of The Land of Dravida 1. Who is the poet of the poem "I am The Daughter Of The Land Of Dravida"?Kamala DasAmrita PritamSarojini NaiduToru DuttQuestion 1 of 202. Amrita Pritam wrote in which primary language?HindiPunjabiTamilEnglishQuestion 2 of 203. Which award was conferred on Amrita Pritam in 1956?Jnanpith AwardSahitya Akademi AwardPadma ShriBharat RatnaQuestion 3 of 204. What is the title of Amrita Pritam’s autobiography?Rasidi TicketYaatriKagaz Te KanvasKal-KanyaQuestion 4 of 205. How many volumes of poetry has Amrita Pritam published?24151820Question 5 of 206. What is the primary theme of the poem?Nature and beautyWomen's roles in different eras and situationsPatriotism and love for DravidaSocial inequalitiesQuestion 6 of 207. What is the significance of the phrase "I am the daughter of the land of Dravida"?It symbolizes pride in the Dravidian heritage.It emphasizes the speaker’s identity through time.It denotes a connection to royalty.It reflects a longing for the past.Question 7 of 208. Why does each stanza end with "I am the daughter of the land of Dravida"?To glorify the land of Dravida.To create rhythm and reiterate identity.To show her desire to return to Dravida.To criticize societal norms.Question 8 of 209. What dual roles does the speaker describe herself as?Daughter of earth and skyKama-Kanya and Kal-KanyaWarrior and poetSlave and queenQuestion 9 of 2010. What do Kama-Kanya and Kal-Kanya symbolize in the poem?Life and deathLove and hatredEarth and heavenRiches and povertyQuestion 10 of 2011. What does the “red veil of honour” symbolize?Happiness and festivityMarriage and respectBlood and sacrificeLove and betrayalQuestion 11 of 2012. What does the “black veil of disgrace” represent?MourningShame and dishonourIgnoranceEvilQuestion 12 of 2013. Where does the speaker say the body resides?Temples, palaces, brothels, and slumsRivers, forests, and mountainsIn the land of DravidaWithin the soulQuestion 13 of 2014. What does the speaker discard at the end?Her identityThe red and black veilsHer connection to DravidaHer role as Kal-KanyaQuestion 14 of 2015. What does the speaker merge herself into?NatureHer heritageThe depths of her beingThe body’s clayQuestion 15 of 2016. How many ages does the speaker mention passing through?TwoFourThreeFiveQuestion 16 of 2017. What is the body described as in the poem?A prisonClayA templeA veilQuestion 17 of 2018. Which places symbolize the different roles of women?Rivers and mountainsTemple, palace, brothel, and slumHome and battlefieldMarkets and schoolsQuestion 18 of 2019. What does the speaker critique through the poem?Gender roles and societal expectationsPolitical structuresThe culture of DravidaThe education systemQuestion 19 of 2020. What transformation does the speaker undergo in the poem?From love to hatredFrom a subject to self-realizationFrom poverty to wealthFrom ignorance to knowledgeQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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