MCQ Chapter 3 Old English Class 11 English Bihar Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 11 1. The Scandinavian influence on Old English came from:VikingsNormansFrench tradersRomansQuestion 1 of 202. Which of these words is of Scandinavian origin in English?HeavenSkyTempleSoulQuestion 2 of 203. Which grammatical elements in Old English were influenced by Scandinavian languages?Verbs and adjectivesPronouns and prepositionsNouns and pronounsAdverbs and adjectivesQuestion 3 of 204. The Scandinavian word for “are” replaced the Old English:PronounsConjunctionsVerb formsArticlesQuestion 4 of 205. Who were the Vikings?Germanic inhabitants of Norway, Sweden, and DenmarkFrench soldiersEnglish noblemenRoman officialsQuestion 5 of 206. The Anglo-Saxon Heptarchy consisted of how many kingdoms?FiveSixSevenEightQuestion 6 of 207. The Anglo-Saxon epic poem that survived from Old English literature is:Canterbury TalesBeowulfThe Faerie QueeneParadise LostQuestion 7 of 208. Who was the king associated with the golden period of Old English literature?King ArthurKing AlfredKing HaroldKing WilliamQuestion 8 of 209. King Alfred is known for translating which important work into Old English?BibleBeowulfBede's HistoryOdysseyQuestion 9 of 2010. The first book of English prose is:The Anglo-Saxon ChronicleThe Canterbury TalesThe Faerie QueeneUtopiaQuestion 10 of 2011. The Norman Conquest resulted in English becoming a:Language of the courtLanguage of the massesLanguage of the churchLanguage of scienceQuestion 11 of 2012. The manuscript known as “The Exeter Book” contains:Old English poetryFrench literatureLatin sermonsGreek epicsQuestion 12 of 2013. Which language replaced English as the language of the court after the Norman Conquest?GermanLatinFrenchCelticQuestion 13 of 2014. Which of these words is NOT of Scandinavian origin?FellowEggHeavenKidQuestion 14 of 2015. The Norman Conquest took place in:AD 449AD 800AD 1066AD 1200Question 15 of 2016. The Runic alphabet was mainly used on:BooksWeapons and monumentsReligious textsLettersQuestion 16 of 2017. The four main manuscripts of Old English that have survived include all except:The Junius ManuscriptThe Canterbury ManuscriptThe Exeter BookThe Vercelli BookQuestion 17 of 2018. Which language greatly influenced religious vocabulary in Old English?FrenchCelticLatinScandinavianQuestion 18 of 2019. The Old English language continued in use by the masses after the Norman Conquest because:It was the language of the king’s courtIt had support from the NormansIt was the everyday language of the common peopleIt was the language of scienceQuestion 19 of 2020. The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is significant because it is:A religious manuscriptThe first history book of England written in its native languageA collection of poemsA translation of the BibleQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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